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Cantha, the Dragon Empire. A Guild Wars Let's Play.
So, yeah. Guild Wars 2 is just on the horizon...apparently. Sorta...Well, it's coming out at some point in the future anyway. And thanks to a thread that popped up yesterday, I find myself psyched up about it. So, I decided I'd play through the original game again...but Prophecies is dull and in the end half the campaign is just undoing the player's own stupidity (but the male protagonist is voiced by Steve Blum so it's still kinda awesome), Factions is great, but assassins don't really interest me and when my account got hacked a while back my ritualist survived...which leaves Nightfall. Not my favourite campaign (needs more Blum) but not my least favourite either.
I honestly have no idea how
badly well this is gonna go, but I figure it could be fun. I'm going to ask the good people (and the not so good people too I guess...) of IJBM for a bit of help. Well, not so much help as...I suck at explaining things. Basically, I want you to answer a couple of questions for me.
- Should I get good equipment from my other character/use bonus items? Or should I just suffer through whatever random crap the enemies drop?
- Which profession should the character be? Also, I guess what sex?

Warrior - Melee combat class. Uses swords, axes and hammers. Males appear to be half-man half-tank.
Ranger- Ranged combat class. Uses bows, traps and poison. Can charm animals to help them out, including the manliest of all animals, the dire flamingo.
Monk- Support magic class. Uses holy magic to heal, protect or
shoot giant lasers.Necromancer- Morally ambiguous magic class. Uses magic to steal enemies souls, turn corpses into shambling zombie minions and curse people. They also have a habit of cutting themselves.
Mesmer- Magic troll class. Uses spells that gradually wear down the target's HP, slows the target down or interrupts their actions.
Elementalist- Jack of all trades. Can slow enemies down, protect themselves and their allies with ward spells...or just set everything on fire.
Paragon- Support class. Uses spears. Runs around shouting and singing at people in the middle of combat. Both sexes wear tiny miniskirts.
Dervish- Melee class. Uses farming implements in combat. Relies on enchantments, can hit a bunch of enemies with each attack...oh, and can turn into physical incarnations of the gods. And they wear
dresses robes.
Nightfall is the one campaign I never finished, so I guess I might as well follow this. I vote play as a necro.
Also I never knew Steve Blum was in Guild Wars, but I guess that's because I had mostly gotten over it by the time I started watching anime and stuff.
^^I'm thinking hero/hench, possibly with guildmates at some of the tougher parts. Or any IJBMers who have the game...I didn't really think about it.
And yeah, Steve Blum voices the male protagonist in Prophecies (maybe Factions too, I can't remember) and the Charr hero in Eye of the North. He's in GW2 as a major charr NPC too.
I guess I should resist the urge to have the heroes use ridiculously powerful builds right off the bat too... >.>
Also, male necro? But they're hideous...although one of the Canthan faces isn't too horrible I guess.
Anyway, I, and certainly not the 10 cent coin sitting in front of me, have made a decision.
...Also, have I mentioned that I suck at naming characters?
...So yeah, any suggestions for her name?
I'd post a serious suggestion if I could come up with one.
If it were any other campaign I probably wouldn't have a problem coming up with a name...
Yes, meet our hero. Suzume Takenaka, a necromancer.
For the first stage of the game, her armour choices are no pants, no pants with fish nets or skin tight leather armor. I guess it's better than male necromancers who'd just get that last option in three designs.
Anyway, without further ado. Let's get this started with the first cutscene so I can start doing a ridiculous number of sidequests so I never have to grind.
Oh well, Factions is cool too. Though I've gotta say Cantha's got the weirdest world-building of the three continents. It's mainly a mishmash of Japan and China, except it also has German goths and pirates? Sure, why not?
Although I am sad that there's not going to be any of Koss's marvelous first mission logic.
I think there's a bit of Greek in there with the pirates too.
I arrived at the monastery today to begin my training. After a brief introduction to my fellow students, I was given some scrolls and a ring with a strange symbol etched into it and told to seek out the headmaster of necromantic studies. An old woman named Kuju.
Soon enough, I located her within the monastery proper. She said some weird stuff about treating corpses like you'd treat a child before sending me away to find her grandson, one of the monastery's professors.
I headed into Sunqua Vale with one of the other trainees, a monk called Taya. Apparently rather than seeking out instructors to learn from, her training was to consist solely of assisting the other students with her healing magic. Moving towards the location headmaster Kuju marked on my map, we encountered a rather miserable looking man writing poetry about how "life is pain" and "everything is meaningless".
So we entered the temple...cave...thing. The fight was disappointing...using the spell he taught me to animate bone fiends we had more than enough firepower to take them all down. And the "mantid queen" he said we'd have trouble with? I think it panicked when the bone fiends started making a pincushion out of it. Taya said it was trying to cast some kind of healing prayer, apparently one that requires A LOT of concentration though, which was kinda tough with the constant bone needles hitting it. We returned to Reng Ku to claim my reward.
Yeah, screw you too.
He told me to go meet with his sister Su in Panjiang Peninsula...why are all the necromancy teachers related? I mean, I don't think it's like that with the other schools...at least, I hope not. Maybe I should ask professor Silverwing.
We entered the peninsula and were met with...ugh...Crimson Skull pirates. One of them was harrassing a farmer. Demanding he and the other farmers hand over large portions of their crops in exchange for "protection". As much as I'd love to beat her and her pals up, I have the feeling it wouldn't end very well...so I decided to go meet up with Su. I'd deal with the Crimson Skull later.
...You're taking students into a cave full of man eating snake people for no good reason? Well...I still like you better than that whiny jerk.
Despite Su's mocking, the naga were no match for us...well, I mostly just watched Su work. You'd think she'd let the students do something if she's supposed to be testing their skills. Although at one point Taya failed to notice the glowing blue ball of otherworldly energy floating in front of her face until it was too late and fell to the ground, looking somewhat smokier than usual...Su explained to me that she was only mostly dead, whatever that means, and that my signet ring would work to bring her back.
Once the naga were defeated, Su told me to head back to the monastery to meet with Master Togo. She showed me a couple of paths on my map that should help avoid danger when travelling around the island before telling me to get lost. I still like her more than her brother.
I arrived back at the monastery, too tired from the day's adventuring to visit Master Togo, besides, I've still got bits of naga and mantid on my boots, I should probably go clean up first.
Day 1, end.
until I get some comments
<while I do Halloween quests.Also, a couple of questions before I do anything else with this character:
1)Any idea what secondary profession she should take?
2)Should I do anything differently with the writing/screens of future parts?
Style of that post seems okay.