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Seikon no Qwazer

edited 2011-10-17 08:29:41 in Media
No rainbow star
Take Avatar, make it use the periodic table of elements instead, make the powers fueled by drinking breast milk (I think from a virgin - Having problems finding any sort of wiki information on it), stir, and serve


  • edited 2011-10-17 08:36:29




    This is the most sexist...


  • The chicks have nice boobs but fuck that fanservice is retarded
  • edited 2011-10-17 16:25:35
    a little muffled
    It's porn. There may not be any explicit sex, but it's still porn. As far as porn goes, there's much worse out there.
  • I remember this show...I also remember realising that it was porn less than half way through the first episode and closing it.

    ...Apparently I didn't remember the director/artist/whatever role he had in that though because I had a complete repeat of that situation with Manyu Hikenchou (it's like Robin Hood but with boobs instead of money) last season...
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