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So I just rebought Disgaea 3.

edited 2011-10-13 20:36:21 in Wonderful posts
Oh. My. God. The amount of work I put into this game is just fucking nuts. I have 287 hours clocked into it right now. My Mao right now has a Level 170 Baal Sword (The ultimate Sword in the game), is level 9999, and has and these stats: HP: 3,451,479 SP: 838,847 Attack: 3,026,821 Defense: 364,520 Intelligence: 782,013 Resistance: 243,885 Hit: 355,952 Speed: 346,171 ........I think I played this game too much.


  • Sounds comparable to the amount of time I expended into Rune Factory Frontier. Or maybe Plants vs Zombies (the game doesn't record time).
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    That depends, how long have you had this game?

    I easily clock over 300 hours on an average Pokemon game, and probably well over a thousand in WoW.
  • edited 2011-10-13 20:42:31
    Thane of rum-guzzling and necromancy

    Wow, that's a heck of a lot. My level 99 Laharl after 55 hours of Disgaea 1 doesn't compare.


  • On a side note, it's amusing to hear RPG players talk about "My [insert name here]".
  • edited 2011-10-13 20:51:25
    Thane of rum-guzzling and necromancy

    That's because it's my precious... -hiss-

    It might as well be after the time and effort put into levelling up and customising characters. 

  • edited 2011-10-13 20:51:48

    Then why don't you marry him/her?

    On second thought, don't answer that.

  • Thane of rum-guzzling and necromancy
    What makes you think I haven't?
  • $80+ per session
    I want to get back into WoW after I've bought another computer.
  • Lol wow

    Just did 83 Million damage with Mao
  • $80+ per session
    All these numbers mean nothing.

    Don't know why you care about doing so much number damage. After a certain point, it's all the same.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    So...Disgaea is better because the devs tacked more zeroes on the end of everything?
  • edited 2011-10-13 21:04:43
    Thane of rum-guzzling and necromancy

    ^^ It's penis extension, that's all.

    Except in Disgaea, the enemies can also be level 9999, thus 83 million damage is still relevant if you have an enemy with 100 million HP.

  • $80+ per session
    I like the Disgaea series a lot, but for completely different reasons.
  • edited 2011-10-13 21:06:26
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^There's no tangible difference between that and doing 8 damage to an enemy with 10 health.
  • "^^There's no tangible difference between that and doing 8 damage to an enemy with 10 health."

    It's hard to explain it, but there's something satisfying about doing that much damage.

    Also, at the beginning of the game, everyone has like, 20 HP. It's very satisfying raising your characters from having 12 attack at level 1 to having over 40 Million Attack at Level 9999
  • edited 2011-10-13 21:15:45
    Thane of rum-guzzling and necromancy

    It has alot going for it. I barely scratched the surface of the full range of Disgaea classes. Angel is hard to unlock, I  have a level 85 archer, femhealer, and knight. Still 15 more levels left for each of them. Not even going to try getting a Majin. It would require a hopeless amount of time, probably. Although the whole point of getting better all-round statistically superior classes is to make the game easier, and levelling up quicker in the first place.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    For the record, I think it seems like it might be a pretty cool game. It's just not the numbers that seem interesting to me.
  • edited 2011-10-13 21:29:04
    Thane of rum-guzzling and necromancy
    It doesn't have to be about number grinding. It's easy enough to pass the core elements of the campaign and master the gameplay mechanics without levelling to the extreme.
  • I'll make an RPG that measures damage in Graham's numbers, it'll be an unimaginably large number of times as good as all those games.
  • Dammit.

    Can't kill LOC Baal yet

    Damn 400 Million HP.
  • Man, Grinding in this game is easy.

    I just reincarnated Mao to Level 1.

    Spent about 5 Minutes on the LOC version of the grinding Map.

    I'm already at Level 7043.
  • There. Only 7 minutes of grinding to reach Level 9999.

    Now to reincarnate back to level 1 and do it over again...
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    I'm with INUH here. If it's that easy to grind 9998 levels, why bother having that many levels?
  • Because you can reincarnate.

    Reincarnation does send you back to Level 1, but it lets you put more bonus points in your base stats. The higher your base stats, the more they grow.

    Each time you reincarnate, you store your levels. So, if you reincarnate at Level 100, you add 100 levels to your Total Levels counter. The higher TL counter, the more bonus points you can apply.

    In order to get the most amount of Bonus points, you need to get the TL counter to 186,000.
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    That doesn't really answer my question...
  • edited 2011-10-13 23:28:32

    So you can make yourself stupid-powerful
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    You could do that anyway with normal level distributions. It's all about scaling.
  • You COULD, but Disgaea's stupid-high levels just have a certain charm to me.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    For the record, I think it seems like it might be a pretty cool game. It's just not the numbers that seem interesting to me.

    They're pretty much Baysplosions. Cool if you're into that, otherwise pretty eh.
  • Disgaea seems to be a Love It/Hate it series.

    Or more a "Love It!"/ "Meh" series.
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