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Doctor Whooves - MLP Spin Off Coming soon

edited 2011-10-11 20:28:39 in Wonderful posts
$80+ per session


  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    If only.
  • I just realized that I would probably watch Doctor Who if it was animated.

    i am a bad person
  • $80+ per session
    I'd watch it if it was animated with ponies.
  • Gelzo: Wasn't there that one fan-episode animated of Doctor Who?

    I remember it being extremely high quality and very impressive.
  • edited 2011-10-11 20:47:27
    Pony Sleuth
    I'd watch anything if it was animated with ponies.

    Wait a minute, G1-3.5 was animated with ponies. I guess I wouldn't watch that.

    Wait a minute, I would watch that because I like watching awful shit that's tangentially related to internet culture/history. Like anything Chris Chan does.

    ^Never heard of that.
  • I think the funniest part about that video is that the guy who posted it is all pissed off about people making fun of "pears" with a British accent, the comments on that video are still flooded with pears jokes, and then the actual Dr. Who clip that the audio came from is flooded with comments about ponies.
  • Where is that clip from?
  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    How would it be said in an American accent?
  • BeeBee
    edited 2011-10-11 21:23:43
    Americans tend to make r's harder (tongue is higher up in the back of the mouth).  In this particular case it's less ambiguous and doesn't sound like "Pez" or something.

    Basically, think of a word that starts with an r.  We say pretty much all our r's that way.
  • More specifically, UK accents tend to be Non-Rhotic (/r/ is not pronounced in the middle/end of words).

    American ones are mostly Rhotic (/r/ is pronounced in those positions).
  • $80+ per session
    No one here but you knows what rhotic means. My spellcheck doesn't even know.
  • edited 2011-10-11 22:48:17
  • $80+ per session
    As they shouldn't.
  • I know what rhotic means, but it's still silly to say it when everyone already got the idea.
  • $80+ per session
    What DYRE said.
  • Rhotic basically has to do with the "r" sound.

    Chagen, using jargon isn't really the best way to explain stuff to people. Just say "r" sounds are more clearly pronounced.
  • But then he wouldn't be able to blind us with his obviously superior knowledge of linguistics!
  • $80+ per session
    All the jargon is kind of annoying, to be honest. I just speak.
  • Yeah, you may just speak, but humans will analyze and make a science out of everything. Especially when the thing being analyzed is obviously divisible into definable components, such as speech is.
  • I...don't see how that's an excuse for using jargon in everyday conversation with people who don't study that stuff, though. If anything that makes it harder to understand what you're talking about.
  • $80+ per session
    Doesn't mean you have to smother us with it and treat it like common knowledge.
  • Well, it's not like he didn't explain it right afterwards, is it?
  • Yeah, I know. I realize that I sound like a pompous jackass when I do it.

    Well, I realize that after I hit "Post"....
  • I think I should make a Wonderful Posts thread where I dump all of my linguistical thoughts and annoyances.

    You know, to keep it out of the rest of the forum.
  • $80+ per session
    Please do.
  • I'll do it when I get a computer tommorow and can type IPA better.

    You guys can comment if you're bored as hell.
  • (Psst, if you guys think reading this is painful, try reading it as a linguistics major.)
  • I'm trying to get a Linguistics Major.
  • $80+ per session
    You don't get a major, you become one.
  • Okay, become a Linguistics Major.

    I assumed that "Major" referred to an object, not a title.
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