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Brian Blessed may be elected Chancellor of Cambridge University

edited 2011-10-07 12:57:46 in Meatspace

No, seriously, there is an election next weekend to replace Prince Philip, The Queen's husband, in this post, and Brian Blessed is a candidate. For anyone who isn't sure who he is, he is a famously over-the-top English actor and all over the Large Ham page of TV Tropes, largely because of his performance as that warrior/king with wings in the Flash Gordon film who says "GORDON'S ALIVE!"

Anyone with a Cambridge MA can turn up and vote, including me (that's not a proper Master's degree - it just means you graduated normally, then turned up four years later to collect another degree as a bonus). I will have to give Brian serious consideration...


  • BeeBee
    edited 2011-10-07 13:58:07
    As much as we'd all like to see the most epic commencement speeches ever, I seriously hope Mr. Blessed has a legitimate platform.

    If he does, good on him.

    If he doesn't... O CALAMITY!!!
  • Necroing this to report the election results - sadly, Brian Blessed did not win. He did, however, come second, with a rather impressive tally of over 1300 votes (out of about 5500 cast). The winner was Lord Sainsbury of Turville, who used to be Tony Blair's Science Minister and whose family founded one of the biggest chains of supermarkets in the UK.

    Well, I got to spend part of the weekend in Cambridge, go to a nice dinner and wear a gown, so it wasn't a total waste of time for me.  

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Aw, drat.
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