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I have this strange condition...okay, I guess it's not really a condition, buit I have it.
It bears some similarities to OCD, but since I haven't been officialy diagnosed with OCD, I call it "Not-OCD" or "Psuedo-OCD". Basically, I have this strange thing about things being perfectly in order. I mean perfectly. I will spend valuable time readjusting one thing just so it can be perfect:
- I always put the volume of my TV at a multiple of 5. Never anything else. Ever.
- When breaking things in half, I always try to break as close to two equally large pieces as possible.
- When asked to put something on another thing, I will always make sure to place it as exactly as possible. This can lead me spending 10+ seconds very lightly readjusting it so that's it's utterly straight and perfect. Even when I'm, say, playing a video game and exactness doesn't matter (You should see me park in GTA. I spend more time perfectly lining up the car into the parking spot than I do actually parking).
- When eating, I always eat in very odd ways. For example, whenever I eat candy corn, I make sure to bite off the white top first. Then I bite off the orange middle. And then I bite off the yellow bottom. I always bite each section off exactly. Exactly. Also, when eating things that can be broken (such as cookies), I make sure to bite off pieces that are all exactly the same.
- When stacking things, I always place the largest at the bottom and the smallest at the top. I will gladly spend several minutes carefully stacking things. Even when it doesn't matter. When stacking something such as paper, I will carefully line all the sheets up.
- When organizing things, I always organize them into very distinct groups, even when it doesn't matter. Like in video game, where I will spend minutes at a time varefully stacking all of my items on my save file into clearly distinct groups ("Okay, swords go first, then spears, then healing items, then attacking items....")
- When carrying various things in my pockets, I always make sure to perfectly balance the weight of all the stuff in them. On that note, I almost always place money in my right pocket and electronic devices in my left one.
....There's a lot more of these. But these are main ones.
I have no idea why I do any of this. It's kind of odd how I'm such a sloppy and irreponsible person when I do these kinds of things...
Such behaviors are not the hallmark of OCD; I believe it's when not doing these things these ways causes you undue stress that interferes with your daily life.
"That sounds like normal OCD though.
People here have told me that self-diagnosis is A Bad Thing, so I never do it anymore.
Although I guess that's a more accurate way to put it, given that there can't be a blood test for it or anything.
^^I know a guy who became completely obsessed with medical conspiracies
and crap. He... isn't in good shape. Especially once he started
modifying his doses and taking stuff on and off.
^Also this.
I know my OCD causes me to feel the following:
-If I don't stack things with the heaviest/largest/darkest colour on the top to the lightest/smallest/brightest towards the bottom, I feel like the stuff will fly away and vanish into nothing (Yes it makes no sense. My brain still convinces me it will happen anyways)
-If my thoughts are interrupted, I have to do a stretch back with my leg, then do it with the other leg. Yes, even in the middle of traffic. Otherwise I feel wrong and stressed out until I do so
-If I see something out of the corner of one eye, I need to see it out of the corner of the other. Same with hearing certain sounds with one ear, touching things with a part on one side of my body, or tasting something with one side of my tongue. It's the one I have the most control over resisting, but when stressed, it just piles on the stress until I give in. Yes, this includes pain. Thankfully it didn't kick in back when my collarbone was broken - My brain was probably too occupied with the extreme pain to let my OCD take over. It has led to me hurting myself though if one side gets hurt
-I get stressed if not following a schedule (The more I'm used to it, the more stressed I am. I have ruined whole trips with this and have had full emotional breakdowns when my schedule is out of whack)
-I need to wash my hands else they are unclean. My brain thinks that if they are too hot or dry that they are unclean and will contaminate me, yet I could, for example, pick up something very dirty with my bare hands and my brain isn't freaking out (I still wash though)
Oh god, these two sound just like me.
I should really get a watch...
The only digital clock in my collection is the one I keep so I can quickly see the time when I'm bed. Otherwise I would never be able to get to sleep.