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90s cartoons - the other "golden age"



  • Hmm...I don't think this was the only time he was trolling here.
  • Kamen Rider MADOKA
    Except MLP isn't an animated toy commercial because the toys are NOTHING like the characters and they don't make enough

    Er, there are toys of the mane main six.
  • You can change. You can.
    Hmm...I don't think this was the only time he was trolling here.

    Depends on your definition of trolling. 

    I should say, as much as I find Dantes unbearable, at least he backs up his opinions.
  • I was referring to vonBerlichingen. Notice how he happens to be conspiciously absent most of the time and shows up for only one post?
  • Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    He won't coming back.

    He should be be precisely 4.6 mega-light-years from Earth by now.
  • You can change. You can.
    I know. My point is that while Dantes actually has an argument (Regardless of how weak they are, they're still arguments), vonBerlichingen doesn't do much beyond saying "It sucks"
  • Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    Moe Dantes is legally art blind. His opinion is invalid.
    And another Dantes thread has become about him. Joy. Can we please not? It was relatively civil.
  • You can change. You can.
    Sure, have your circular discussion on why the nineties produced good non-anime, --shrug--
  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    Moe Dantes is legally art blind

    Moe Dantes raises an eyebrow. He looks up at the wall where he has hung a reproduction of this, and says "Does she say that this is not art? And to think, I supported that wench's reign! Well now, she will learn better than to tempt the wrath of an on-again off-again regicidal..."

    But first, I must play another round of Image Fight.

    Incidentally, the power just went out. My laptop's battery will last maybe an hour or two, and I've got some UPSes, but I might suddenly disappear for awhile.

    (Regardless of how weak they are, they're still arguments)

    I'm kinda curious, Juan, what you consider a "strong" argument. Considering especially that your own first volley in this topic was to say that the only reason the DCAU is good is because Alan Moore likes it. I mean, that would be like if I said Escape to New York is good because Hideo Kojima likes it. I like Kojima's games but that doesn't entail I have to agree with his opinions.
  • Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    "But first, I must play another round of Image Fight."


  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    Moe Dantes lowers his regicide hatchet

    Really? Awesome! What version? What think of it?
  • $80+ per session
    -stands guard by the Princess, like a good kitten-

    I've thought of trying that game.
  • You can change. You can.
    I'm kinda curious, Juan, what you consider a "strong" argument. Considering especially that your own first volley in this topic was to say that the only reason the DCAU is good is because Alan Moore likes it. I mean, that would be like if I said Escape to New York is good because Hideo Kojima likes it. I like Kojima's games but that doesn't entail I have to agree with his opinions.

    I thought it was obvious I was being fascetious.
  • edited 2011-10-05 21:16:24
    Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    ^^^The NES version, which I got from a trade in. I selected it from a VERY significant wall of games that I had never played, and was rather impressed by the game's quality. Good music, unique system of play (the ability to change speed definitely added to it), a variety of weapons, and an actual plot really made it stand out. I was lucky :D

    This is, of course, way back yonder before I know about emulators. There is something special about having the real deal though.

    Now important observation: "WHICH VERSION?"



    I retract my previous statement regarding your lack of artistic sight.
  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    I thought it was obvious I was being fascetious.

    With you, it's hard to tell.

    This is, of course, way back yonder before I know about emulators. There is something special about having the real deal though.

    There really is. That's why I bought a legitimate copy of X-Multiply even though I can play it free on MAME.

    Now important observation: "WHICH VERSION?"




    Arcade (original version)

    Famicom/NES (first home release) - I've never played the NES version, but I watched a bit of a gameplay video on Youtube. In the video, dude was able to dodge all of the first bosses attacks just by staying to the edge of the screen. Just to warn you, that will NOT work in any other version of the game.

    PC Engine (the Japanese version of the TurboGrafx) - this version is slightly more faithful to the arcade, but they had to adjust the gameplay to account for the PCE's display resolution (the original arcade had a vertically oriented monitor, which is... you've heard of widescreen displays? this had a tallscreen display. No console at the time could display that on a TV so ports always had to adjust). This version was only released in Japan, and its on the hucard format so you'll need either a converter or a Japanese console to play it.

    Incidentally, the PC Engine is also the only console ever to get Image Fight II. That one was released on the CD format, so it'll play on any PCE, TurboGrafx or Turbo Duo in the world (region coding hadn't become a thing yet). It's kind of a collector's item, but don't think for a minute that'll stop me from having it one day.

    Playstation and Sega Saturn - as part of a compilation called Arcade Gears: Image Fight and X-Multiply. This is the first home port to try and maintain the arcade's display resolution. It's not perfect in that regard (its possible to fly offscreen) but it's a perfectly playable port and is the closest any console got to the arcade. It also has a new feature--you can now shoot pods at the press of a button (in every other version, you have to press the shoot and speed buttons at the same time). This release too is kind of a collector's item, mostly because this is the only home release of X-Multiply. To be honest, the two games compliment each other beautifully--Image Fight is a far brighter and optimistic game, while X-Multiply is on the scary side. Both are awesome.

    And finally, recently DotEmu released a DLC collection for Windows (and I believe there's a version for Mac as well) called Irem Arcade Hits. This version of Image Fight is arcade perfect except for that the sound is a little scratchy, but when you're in the heat of battle you really won't notice. Honestly, this was the first DLC I ever bought and I don't regret it, because in addition to Image Fight there's also a bunch of other arcade games that are absolutely awesome, and many of them have *never* been given a home release before ever.

    So yeah, for Image Fight love, you got options. I personally own the Playstation and DotEmu versions of the game, and as soon as my Turbo Duo gets fixed I'm probably gonna hunt down that version and it's sequel. Makes me wonder if I shouldn't go the rest of the way and grab the NES version as well. I love my NES.

    I retract my previous statement regarding your lack of artistic sight.

    And I retract my regicidal desires *tosses hatchet into trash can*

    (Yeah, remember when this topic used to be about cartoons? No? Neither do I)
  • Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    *Makes mental note to find DLC for image fight*
  • edited 2011-10-05 22:14:00
    vonBerlichingen doesn't do much beyond saying
    "It sucks"

    Okay, I'll bite:

    Dexter's Lab
    The jokes aren't funny, the voice acting is grating (at best), and the animation and character designs are a cut below even the worst of Hanna-Barbera. Any one of those problems would be crippling- even for an otherwise decent cartoon- and Dexter suffers from all three of them in addition to the whole "cancer that'd eventually devour CN" issue.
  • Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    Dangit, you should be dead now!

    *Slowly punishes each member of Princess Guard with whip*
  • Don't be too hard on them, Apricot; my dark fortress is all but unassailable.
  • edited 2011-10-05 23:09:38
    no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    *Makes mental note to find DLC for image fight*

    Here's the homepage for Irem Arcade Hits:


    Don't be too hard on them, Apricot; my dark fortress is all but unassailable.

    Yeah, but she plays Image Fight. She can assail it.

    Honestly I agree that a lot of those cartoons aren't very good, but then again its pretty obvious I don't really like short-subject comedy cartoons like Dexter's Lab anyway so, well, asking me about it would be like asking the Planeteers what they think of Penn and Teller's rants on environmentalism.
  • Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    Here's the homepage for Irem Arcade Hits:


  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    Okay, so some people wanted me to have "stronger" arguments re: 80s vs 90s cartoons.

    Admittedly I'm not sure what ya'll are looking for. It's not like I can do like Perry Mason and come up with one piece of hard concrete evidence that forces the 90s to confess in court that the 80s were better (decades, in my experience, don't speak Earth languages).

    I also decided that I probably need to see more episodes of Gargoyles and some other shows before passing judgment. Time to hit up some torrents, since Disney never effing released the final seasons.
  • edited 2011-11-10 15:31:26
    Go back to making slashfics about you and Konata. You're probably better off.

    [mod voice] This post was not a good idea.
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    It's not slash unless they're both the same gender.
  • Wait, so Edmund isn't a girl?
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.

    Also, he's tempbanned for like another three weeks.
  • Consarn it, on both counts.
  • edited 2011-10-21 13:58:25


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