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Subjectivity in media discussions

edited 2011-09-05 18:35:08 in General
You can change. You can.
Gah, there's nothing motherfucking harder than trying to discuss media without that shit coming in.



    People need to learn to separate personal fucking opinions from legitimate goddamn critique.
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
  • "Gah, there's nothing motherfucking harder than trying to discuss media without that shit coming in."

    People trying to pass that shit off as objective?

  • You can change. You can.
    You know what, the OP now reads like Malk's post. Discuss.
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Generally, I reserve the right to both complain about something I dislike and complain about something bad, and recognize them as two different things.
    There was someone at my vampire game who tried to insist that English professors by and large hate Hamlet.

    That was a good laugh, let me tell you.
  • Wait, let me find that part of the SA thread where the guy said that subjectivity is a horrible, horrible idea that only tropers could have come up with.
  • You can change. You can.
    Scan it up and let me have my deliicious lols
  • "Generally, I reserve the right to both complain about something I dislike and complain about something bad, and recognize them as two different things."

    Hmm...what do you consider the difference to be? I personally see it as the difference between "not my taste" bad and "negative message" bad, with Atlas Shrugged being an example of the latter.

  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    ^^^, ^^    '_'

    ^ Well, there's also "production" to think about. For example, A Serbian Film is a terrible, horrible movie for many reasons, but the acting and cinematography is phenomenal. Likewise, I like good Sonic games, but Sonic 2006 is bad in part because of atrocious design choices, bad load times, and numerous glitches. 
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-09-05 20:39:30
    I see it as a difference of "not my taste" bad, "negative message" bad, and "of bad quality / poorly made" bad.

  • "This is something I've noticed, as it was only after I left TV Tropes earlier this year, after three years of spending just about every day on it, that I realised exactly how many shitty ideas the site had put into my head.

    Subjectivity, or "Your Milage May Vary", is the worst of these ideas. "

  • You can change. You can.
    Aww, I thought there were arguments.

    Who posted it?
  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    To be fair, TV Tropes DOES put a lot of bad ideas in your head.

    It's just that that's not one of them.

    I like to treat my opinions as fact, but that's because I'm an insecure man-child who needs to be assured that I didn't waste my childhood and that the $30 I'm going to spend on a rare version of Darius isn't a waste.

    I have no similar coniptions about Final Fantasy VI though--if you hate that, you're wrong.
  • Trash Vortex. He said it was bad because blah blah blah pedophilia blah blah blah hugbox blah blah blah pedophiliac hugbox blah
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    ^ Beat you too it.

    ^^ So you're saying that's not a problem on TVTropes?
  • You can change. You can.
    It's a problem. Just not as pervasive and big as goons make it out to be.
  • What? Subjectivity, or pedophillia?
  • I think he's talking about subjectivity / YMMV.
  • That's not a problem, it's a fact of life.
  • You can change. You can.
    guh, not this shit again

    yes, chagen, people disagree on things. it doesn't mean that you shouldn't back up your opinion, which is the problem with subjectivity as used on TvT. Subjectivity itself is not a valid argument again.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-09-05 21:11:55
    Indeed. It becomes a problem when valid points of criticism are ignored due to someone bringing subjectivity up and / or using it to defend things that really should not be defended.

    ^Yeah, that.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Subjectivity means that...

    Well, I find the Transformer movies to be entertaining. That's subjective, because others don't.

    The quality of them is not very subjective though. They are terrible movies.
  • Juan: Oh, I knew that.
  • What factors make them terrible? I thought if media's purpose was to entertain, and you were entertained, that's all that matters.
  • You can change. You can.
    Very good.

    Well, I find the Transformer movies to be entertaining. That's subjective, because others don't.

    The quality of them is not very subjective though. They are terrible movies.

  • You can change. You can.
    What factors make them terrible? I thought if media's purpose was to entertain, and you were entertained, that's all that matters.

    Let's go Socrates here:

    By that logic, the Room wouldn't be so dismissed. Then, what makes the Room being called a bad movie and not a good movie?
  • "
    The quality of them is not very subjective though. They are terrible movies.

    But you just said they were entertaining. Ergo, their quality must be somewhat good in their eyes.
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