If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
So a gamer goes to the book store, looking for a gaming magazine to buy. He sees one promoting "Super-Massive Fantasy RPG Funtime!", and eagerly reads it. There is a lot of hype built up in the magazine for the game. So when he sees, next month, the same magazine giving the game a 10/10, he goes right to the store and buys it. Then he plays it and realizes, no, it's not actually very good at all. So he returns it for 25 bucks.
Whose fault is this?
A) The gamer, for buying into the hype

The magazine, for promoting the hype
C) The publisher, for creating the hype
D) The developer, for creating a bad game
Yes. Rent a game first. This should be common sense now.
If the game was objectively crap, yes.
If they knew it was crap, yes, though hype is a pretty necessary part of business. Generally speaking though, hyping something you know to be crap will hurt you more in the long run by making you seem untrustworthy. Mostly though, the damage from the publisher applies more to D...
Depends on why it was bad. There are a lot of stupid things that come down to the developers being tards -- Sonic 2006's city being a state machine that had to constantly reload itself comes to mind.
Mostly though, there's a remarkable amount of executive meddling possible that the developer can do jack shit about. Unreasonable deadlines, stubborn demand for certain (possibly conceptually doomed) mechanics that siphon man hours, demand for Kinect support siphoning man hours for the sake of a feature that will be at best functional but negligible and no I'm not annoyed about this at all WHY DO YOU ASK, schizophrenia on what difficulty is being asked for.
That said, game reviewing really needs to start having a more scholarly bent to it, rather than just reading like grocery lists with jokes in them.