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My Creative Writing class.

edited 2011-09-02 13:41:22 in Meatspace
I hate it. And I can't change it.

Okay, there's going to need to be some explanation for this. Last year, I took Creative Writing as an elective because.....I like making fiction and things like that.

It was awesome. Mainly, because it was, usually, a free period. We barely had any work at all. This was not because the teacher was lazy or incompetent; it was because he was that damn cool. And when we did write, he let us write whatever we wanted. So, really, I liked that a lot too--everyone had a chance to express themselves the way they liked, instead of being restricted.

I took it again this year. Except, the teacher changed. I wasn't informed of this until the first day of school and then I couldn't change it as I find out a week later (this is why I was so angry at having a probation retroactively applied to me her on IJBM: I had already gone through similar situation).

Anyway, it was obvious that this teacher was different. We would actually be working in her class. Cool, I like writing.

It quickly became obvious, however, that this was going to go horribly. Me and her had two completely different ways of doing things. Basically, she's one of those horrifying artfag types, who only likes things if they're filled with utter amounts of over-the-top pretentious melodramatic bullcrap. I hate those people. She made us write in this matter. I hate writing like this. I also hate having my creative expression being restricted like this, when the point of art is to express yourself your own way.

Oh, did I say "write"? I'm sorry, we haven't even started writing some fiction. At first, she made us do the generic "write about your summer" (I hate those, my summer is always boring). At this point, I knew I was going to hate the class. I tried it quit. It took a while to get a response.

Then she made us do a "Where I'm From" poem. Basically, all I need to say is that it was designed from the ground up to be horrifically douchy and melodramatic (did I mention that we had to do it according to a template? Yeah, real fucking "creative" there).

I didn't do it for two reasons:

First, I was trying to quit, so I didn't even think I was going to be in the class when it due.

Second, a large amount of it about your family and the things they do together and your love for one another. Well, my family does nothing together and we all fucking hate each other. I either had to lie or go on about how my brother is a possible rapist and a bum and how my parents fight every single day.

Anyway, I finally got a response from the counselor's office. I can't quit it. Why? Well, the short answer is "bureaucracy BS", but the long answer is that, due to me signing up for it last year, I can't quit. I cant quit electives I signed up for. Even though I signed up expecting one thing, and got something completely different. I sighed and left.

I dunno what the hell I'm going to do. I fucking hate this class. And I need 3.5 elective credits to pass the year (at least that's what a senior told me), so I need to pass at least one semester of this class to pass High School.

Ugh. All the other electives sucked anyway.....



    Ah. I had a poetry teacher like that once. She tried to turn everything into homoerotic/race stuff. It was frutrating.

    Look at it this way. Finding a way to write shit you hate and still be good at it is good preparation for professional level crap.
  • I guess I must.

    I am so taking Latin 1 next year as my elective...
  • Just try and make the best of it. A lot of times creativity means finding interesting ways of dealing with restrictions. And if you really like writing, you should be able to make a class where you're supposed to.write at least somewhat enjoyable.
  • They're somethin' else.
    Ah. I had a class like this. In college, no less.
  • $80+ per session
    Considering the things you've said in the past about "artfags", it's possible you are exaggerating. No offense.
  • They call me Rate Miser, whatever I see... turns overrated in my eyes...
    Not to mention that the word "artfag" is a lame insult by itself.
  • I am not exxegerating. I am simply weighing my person views of art against hers.

    They are complete opposites
    One teacher I remember having, the only thing we could agree on about post-Shakespeare literature was that Sherman Alexia was pretty awesome.
    Write what she wants to see and consider it satire. Then take Latin, which is loads of fun.
  • I'm a damn twisted person
    Well look at it this, way you grow as a writer when you're forced to challenge yourself. Most people, if told to write what they want will end up writing the same basic thing with a few tweaks over and over again. Prompts and restrictions(word count, subject, narration style) force you to challenge yourself and learn new things on your end about writing.

    So as silly and annoying as her preferences may be, it's still for your benefit to do what is assigned.
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