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I found a game I want for a low price, BUT...

edited 2011-08-31 17:58:24 in General
no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
It's on this web store. I've never heard of that store, never read any reviews about them and don't know anything at all about them. So while that price is good (for that game), it could easily be a scam. So what should I do? Take a chance and buy from them, or just keep looking elsewhere?


  • No rainbow star
    Check the affiliates?
  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    How do I do that?
  • No rainbow star
    They have an affiliates link on the bottom
  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    They do, but it's a link asking if you want to be an affiliate. It doesn't tell you who their affiliates are.
  • edited 2011-08-31 18:46:03
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    I would avoid it. For Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, and Opera there's a widget called WOT, or Web of Trust, that collects user-inputed data about websites and their reliability. It's telling me that your site isn't a very good one (for the worse cases it cautions against entering, which it's saying right now), so I don't think you should get it from that website.

    edit: Scratch that. Looking at the details and user reviews, apparently it's split 50/50 by people saying "I never got my game" or "They overcharged me and I never got a refund," and people saying "I got all of my games fine" and "I've never experienced any problems." I would stil caution against it, just to be safe.
  • They call me Rate Miser, whatever I see... turns overrated in my eyes...
    Well, The site name is "NintendosForSale," and the compilation you're looking at is not on a Nintendo console, so no.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Well, the site name is "NintendosForSale", and the item you're looking at is not a Nintendo console, so no.
  • edited 2011-08-31 23:24:59
    no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    Yeah, that's been the consensus at another forum I've asked at too. I've also seen it pointed out that sometimes their pictures don't match the product, which is a sign of unprofessionalism if nothing else. I guess I'll just either save up to pay eBay BIN prices, or else wait for another auction (one closed the other day at $31. Unfortunately I wasn't the winner)
  • What game are you looking for?
  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    A compilation release called Arcade Gears: Image Fight and X-Multiply. I'm looking for the Playstation version.
  • Holy SHIT that fucker is expensive. I also have WOT installed and this site checked out, but dayum that better be an awesome game for over $170. The most I ever spent on a single video game was $98.
  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    I've seen it for much lower than that on sites that have a good reputation. The lowest price I've seen on it is $80 shipped.

    If this compilation were just Image Fight, it wouldn't be worth it. But its also the only home port of X-Multiply ever, and... well, go hit up MAME and play X-Multiply, glory as your ship with tentacles is surviving swarms of H.R Giger's LSD hallucinations, and tell me it's not worth it ;)
  • You could always browse other sites and see if anyone else has ever used this site. But, with a name like NintendosForSale, I'd be pretty cautious if I were you.
  • >H.R Giger's LSD hallucinations

    >and tell me it's not worth it ;)

    Duuuuuuude not possible. O___O Had no idea Giger was involved. *///////*
  • You can change. You can.
    ...you know Giger, Waltzy?


    you make me proud. :D
  • edited 2011-09-01 15:26:39
    Dude I love Giger dude dude dude. My stepdad's a fan too so I got him this enormous Giger artbook full of amazing stuff

    but really I got it mostly for me~~ >:D

  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    Giger is great.
    I have a poster and some art books.

    Also go to Switzerland: Giger Bar.
  • You can change. You can.
    I wonder if there's a "Xenomorph Blood" drink there. 
  • edited 2011-09-01 15:40:15
    no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    Duuuuuuude not possible. O___O Had no idea Giger was involved.

    He's not directly involved, however a lot of the artwork was clearly inspired by him.

    here's a video. Just hold out until you see this game's Battleship Raid level.

    ... I wish I had some Giger artbooks....
  • I know not directly but I meant through his art. XD

    Uwaaaaaahh that's so freaky and cool at once~~! X3
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