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/v/'s Recommended Games Wiki



  • Hatter you suck, CoD4 is awesome.

    Also, they DIDN'T suggest any Medal of Honor games.

    The fuck is wrong with them?
  • $80+ per session
    You do realize that the wiki is not all one entity, and a lot of it's members actually clash about which games should be on there or not.
  • "yeah...excuse me as i ignore this."

    Huh? I don't see what could make you so dismissive about-

    "Also, Alice is mah psychotic waifu."

    Well, okay.
  • edited 2011-08-26 18:42:23
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    ^^^ They also recommend Robot Unicorn Attack and An Untitled Story.  Therefore I agree with you.

    Yes, I just insulted RUA.  What about it?
  • Glaives are better.
    I really liked Alice until I realized who she looks like, and the fact that the only reason why I liked Alice was because she looked and acted like that person.
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