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Jimmy Buffet concerts

edited 2011-08-20 11:03:50 in Meatspace
When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
There are three types of people who go to these concerts.

1). White trash that drink a lot

2). Guidos that drink a lot

3). Lazy assholes that drink a lot.

Thank God there was a horrible storm during the concert; they all deserved it.


  • Why did you go to it?
  • If you went, which one were you?
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    ^^, ^ I went to help sell stuff like hats, blowup toys, suntan lotion, sunglasses, etc. We made a little over $11,000, so I can't exactly say I regret it...
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I don't remember my brother being a white trash/guido/lazy asshole who also drinks a lot. I thought he was just a person who liked Jimmy Buffet.
  • I expected a pun thread.

    I don't know why.
  • edited 2011-08-20 12:40:37
    Clean your room little Billy
    There's also Drunkscriblerian, who drinks a lot but doesn't really fit into any of those three categories, to the best of my knowledge.
  • edited 2011-08-20 12:39:04
    Has friends besides tanks now
    There's also me and my stepbrother, who were dragged to a concert by my mom and his dad (who coincidentally don't fit into any of those categories either). It wasn't that bad, though.
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