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White Guy Scholarship

edited 2011-08-03 00:59:29 in General
The fact that people are bunching their panties over this. There are so many scholarships out there for minorities of many kinds and for women, why not give white guys a hand too? Just because they're white and male doesn't mean they don't need or deserve any help.

The group handing out the scholarships made it crystal clear on their website that they aren't a white supremacy group or anything. They're just trying to help guys pursue their education. But people get bent out of shape over it and it's ridiculous.

It just pisses me off because of how easily that not just white males, but males in general can be fucked over. @_@


  • edited 2011-08-03 01:05:30
    Welp, speaking as a white male.... my main question is where the money is going. If it's going to the poor white kids, then fine. Even then, though, I don't know why white people need to singled out for scholarship, whereas for women and minorities, the decades of discrimination that unfortunately still linger in academia are the reason.

    Then again, white women are the majority in college so there might be a need of some incentive for men...
  • But there is a Kids Day.

    Either way, I second Malk.
  • Mr. The Edge goes to Washington

    I guess this is because women were getting the shaft for most of human history. However, that is no reason why the male population should get the shaft now and then white males, yeah. They are probably the most frequent subject in black stand-up aside from black women.

  • I'm glad SOMEONE is getting a little concerned over less and less men getting into college.
  • edited 2011-08-03 07:38:25
    Mr. The Edge goes to Washington
    When I was in university, there were a lot of Kenyan exchange students and this was the time when Power Thirst was popular, so these students were in high regard among my friends. Also, they loved football, aka soccer, and they were the only sports fans we shared our conquered lounge with.
  • I really don't like the concept of a white man's scholarship; being white is your white man's scholarship. You don't need extra money set aside for you besides the free money society gives you for being white. (There should be plenty of general poor people's scholarships, but there are already, so I don't see the need to change anything.)

    Probably we should be winding down the women's-only scholarships as well. Not that women aren't oppressed in plenty of other areas, but education is kind of not one of them anymore.
  • edited 2011-08-03 08:09:00
    Mr. The Edge goes to Washington

    Yeah, but being white and male isn't good enough. That just doesn't pay for college. There are plenty of people who are between poor (financial aid covers them) and rich that want to go to college, but their parents can't afford it and they can'd get financial aid. They can go for scholarships, but that is very competitive. If you spend so much time look after every other group, at least one group will be left behind.

    Hell, the only reason I was able to go to college was because my dad abandoned me and my mom only made so much a year and I still had to have loans.

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