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"It doesn't gimp the player? OVERPOWERED!"



  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    This is why games have difficulty settings.
  • edited 2011-07-27 00:03:22
    You can change. You can.
    Also, easy =/= game.

    It has to have a balanced difficulty. One that doesn't allow for the game to turn into a big cutscene, nor make the game a big interactive screensaver.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    That also wouldn't be realistic.

    Neither is an auto-axe that does not need fuel, a shock sword, a laser pistol, or a plasma rifle.
  • You can change. You can.
    yah, i'm fairly sure that TF2 doesn't aim for realism. The Medic is pretty much a big fuck you to realism, actually.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Quickscoping usually had to do with something that was very difficult to do in most single player games since flipping to your scope, lining up the shot and killing somebody with a headshot in under 2 or 3 seconds was a very difficult accomplishment to do, since most of the time "camping" or "sitting there with the scope open the entire game looking for people or staring at spawn" was how sniping regularly went, and now that FPS gaming has started to enhance mobile battling, standing around with the sniper rifle at peak areas eventually means you just fucking die. Now that moving to different chokehold areas means sealing victory against people who lob grenades or bombs at the best sniping spot is being neutralized by preventing the sniper from being a turret gun, It means also having to put up with running face-to-face with enemies without having to switch guns, and doing a quick-scope was something that made you go "holy crap that actually happened", but as the metagamers began using this method as a way to convey their skill and challenge themselves, and asshole metagamers began to snark at regular sniping, quickscoping slowly began to evolve into an annoying gamertag stereotype.

    Most of the time though, oh Halo 3/Reach OMP and Call of Duty OMP, they play with minimal/no shields so the random sniper shots have more effectiveness, since a non-headshot sniper round on either game wouldn't kill the other player and the sniper has a long reload time, which would mean that "quickscoping" would have never caught on if No-Shield/Hardcore mode never was implemented.

    Which leads me to the Hardcore mode part of the FPS genre, where hiding the hud and making any hit an instant-kill turns the game into a joke, and encourages bullshit like this to occur. I like TF2 for this reason the most, mostly because it's almost impossible to quickscope since a charged shot is about the only thing that can kill most classes at full HP,  and the only time it would merit a kill is if you got a headshot on a....Scout. Headshotting a cloaked Spy without knowing he was there is more of an accomplishment than quickscoping anyway.

    Instant kills should not be a metastandard for FPSes that rely on cover and tactical shooting to win, since even a spray from a light machine gun can kill most players, and then some by accident, and blast radiuses of rockets and grenade launchers are just too fucking strong. Not only that it makes it so there's no real effort in getting a kill beyond, "find them, shoot them". Regular MW2 games are far more fun than the Hardcore bullshit that most players convey as the best, because not only is killing somebody on there actually worth it, you won't die because people are lobbing grenades everywhere or spinning in circles shooting a giant machine gun.

    Not only that, I suck at Hardcore mode so I also hate it for that reason.

    Aside from that though, all of this is perfectly fine on Firefight Halo and Nazi Zombies variants of CallO.
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