If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Images you know you'll never use. (Now NSFW)
This is my new desktop wallpaper (NSFW language.)
^ Amusing.
^^ More amusing.
^^^ Needs to set Scroll Speed to fast.
(I thought it was pretty funny)
^^ That too. After all, it's the pokemon that can arrange to have the most damaging attack in the game, by a huge margin.
The Pokemart in B/W pays for the Pokemon Centre, that's why they're inside them.
^ Whatever you posted, it's broken.
It shows fine for me.
Here's a direct link.
Yeah this place is weird like that.
Also, sorta NSFW
v Fair enough. I guess I just enjoyed the first issue as a dog person.
I thought the first issue was pretty meh. Second issue was great but not on par with this one. This one was just magnificent and a serious contender for best of the week.
Dumbass of the day
Space Marines apparently make good dads. What's that first image from Schitzo?
Not sure, but its Silent Hill fanart. Friend had it on her cover photos.
Man, good thing the kid went for the left-side hug. That expression of love almost ended with a tracheotomy.
the URL you attached to that image was the "Leaving Facebook" link to a tumblr image.
on imgur:
Are Gifs allowed? because
Gifs are quite welcome.
With that said . . . uh, no comment on that gif in particular.
^^ Uh...
^ Somehow I knew somepony someone would make that reference. Ponies have officially taken over my brain.
Speak for yourself. I'm not going to be able to look at that episode anymore without thinking of David Bowie's creepy-ass backups.
And I'll never be able to think of David Bowie again without imagining big buttz slapping a windshield.
Thanks, Formaldehyde.
As always, I start with a link to the NSFW one
Probably safe for work, but it still compares the back of Shedinja to a vagina, so eh, rather not cause anyone duress
I wonder what the Stantler one would say.