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"People who-"

edited 2011-07-03 12:23:55 in Webspace
Why do these two simple words drive tropers to frothing RAEG? I've never got the sheer hate-on tropers have for these two words.


  • Other people's pet peeves in this area are always a mystery to me why people have such an issue with it.
    * "People who"
    * "This troper"
    * Some of certain tropers / posters' (who will remain unnamed) ramblings that seem to be a beserk button for others.

    They just roll off me like water off a duck's back, and I'm looking at all the upset reactions and thinking "What the hell?"

    My limited ability to empathize with the more easily offended in this area just bugs me.

    On the other hand, I am more easily offended by people replying with strong language, images, or videos as a protest.  That DOES bug me, and the fact that it bugs me... just bugs me.


  • edited 2011-07-03 12:39:05
    IJBM People who bitch about this sort of thing. Also how you doin Chuggles?
  • "People who" places the anger on the "people" rather than on the behavior that annoys the person saying it.
  • Um.......that's what should happen.

    It makes no sense to hate a non-sentient concept.
  • Why? The annoyance is inherent to the behavior, not the people themselves. As the J-Man (Or some other dude in the Bible) said, "Hate the sin, love the sinner".
    The phrase is often used to justify a lot unpleasant 'ism's.
  • $80+ per session
    Also, it's unfair to hate someone because they automatically do something you don't like. If I hated people on that merit, I would hate a lot more people than I do.
  • I'm more annoyed by a few individuals using cutesy, quirky mannerisms in their posts, but I never really say anything about it because I don't want to single them out.
    Is it me, uguuuuu?
  • I used to use "Au~" and "Gen~" on other forums..z
  • The tilde has been ruined for me, because of other people. 
  • But tildes are cute~
  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    I don't get what the tilde means, apart from the writer is an idiot.
  • edited 2011-07-03 18:48:15
    But the tilde leaves things open to interpretation~

    ^It's basically the same as "..." but more cute/playful/whatever.
  • $80+ per session
    No, the tilde is to indicate a melodic inflection in tone of the word or sentence it is next to.
  • I thought i twas used to bring up the command console?
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