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OMGWTFQ Christina messed up the Anthem!

edited 2011-02-07 20:55:17 in Media
Singers always mess it up. Get over it.


  • edited 2011-02-07 20:56:52
    I'd argue that every singer who's ever sang it has messed it up.

    Mostly because I've never heard a version of it that didn't sound terrible.  Though sometimes singers at least get the words right, I guess.
  • I noticed that she sounded real weird singing it.
  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Who's Christina?
  • Christina Aguilera.
  • US national anthem sucks, news at '11.
  • edited 2011-02-07 21:53:11
    I guess it is a bit late to say Go Pack Go, but yeah, Go Pack Go.

    I cannot say I like the fact that this Super Bowl will probably be associated with the ice storm, empty seats fiasco, or the incorrect national anthem rendition. Of course, none of that really matters now as my joy at seeing the Packers win a Super Bowl makes up for any of that by far.

    By the way, apparently this Super Bowl was the most-watched TV program in the history of the U.S.
  • ^^Yeah, well does your national anthem mention rockets and bombs, you pacifistic pussy? :P

    Also isn't the Super Bowl sentient by this point?
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Sheesh, you could have at least given me the last name!  Ah, that darn singer.  Whatever.

    In any case, I never cared about the Super Bowl.  In fact, Louie, I'm surprised you're a football fan; I wouldn't have expected that of you.

    It does bug me that the Super Bowl is the most-watched program in the U.S., though.
  • Why does that bug you?

    Also, XLV didn't really come off as some earth-shattering event to me, more like the center of festivity. This is a weirdly pleasant feeling to have, now.
  • Frome youtube:"It's ashame ppl are focusing more on this meesly mistake then the actual
    fuckin superbowl. Its not like she said a line from the canadian
    anthem or said hail hitler "

    Glad to know Canada is on the same moral level as Hitler.
  • I'm not sure how many people just have a party with the game in the background.
  • ^^Which video?
  • Just some random "Christina fucks up" video.
  • Why can't people just sing the national anthem and not wail near the end?

    The Bombs burstin in AIAIaiaiAiAIAIiiaAIaIAAaAaIAAIAIAIIAIrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    gave through to the niIiiiiIIIiiiiIIiiight

    That our flag was still there

    Oh say does that star spangled banner yet WaaAAaaaAAaaaaaAaaaave..

    Or the land of the fREEEEEEEEEeeeEeeeEEeeeeeeeeeEEEEeEEEEE


    of Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • ^^Yeah, well does your national anthem mention rockets and bombs, you pacifistic pussy? :P


    But yeah, it's a cool anthem, but ^ that part startles me.
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