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I turned in an assignment 3 hours late...

edited 2011-02-06 15:40:25 in General
Because I thought 12 pm meant midnight tonight, rather than noon today.

This may mean I won't be able to get a grade for this assignment.

I am an idiot.

EDIT:  Okay, I still feel like an idiot (and this really does bug me a lot because I'm rather concerned about getting good grades), but it appears that a number of students in the class haven't submitted their assignments at all.  Well that or they dropped out of the class.  I'm hoping it's the former. (well, if it's the latter, the former will also be true, but I'm hoping it's just the former).  That makes me feel slightly better at least.

EDIT 2: Actually, it's likely that at least 2 of the 3 people who didn't turn it in dropped out.  So I am feeling unbetter again.  Oh well, this sort of thing happens, and I shouldn't make such a big deal of it.


  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    If a lot of people did it too, there may be an extension.
  • Nah, as I explain it EDIT 2 it's likely that only one person at most didn't turn it in.  There are 32 people listed on the class list, but I think the classroom only holds 30 students, which I think is exactly the number we have.

    It's okay though, I just have to do good for the rest of the semester.  And not be stupid.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Ah. Didn't see edit 2. Maybe just talk to the teacher?
  • Yeah, I'm going to do that tomorrow when I have class.  But even if he accepts it, I still forgot that 12 pm is noon and not midnight, so I'm still an idiot and it's still my fault, so this would still JBM.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    It's a really common mistake. I'm pretty sure everyone forgets that at least once.
  • edited 2011-02-06 15:49:19
    Yes, that's true.  Anyway, after complaining about it I feel somewhat better so I guess this thread's purpose has been served. Disregard that I don't like it when people say things like that even if they're true.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    That's why I prefer calling it "midnight" or "noon".
  • I really sympathise. Well, I haven't been wrong about an essay deadline, but I have made many silly mistakes in College.
  • I was wrong about my hair stylist appointment, and it sucked. Damn you 8 pm and 8 am.
  • Regarding my assignment:  Fortunately, there are at least 5 other assignments this semester, so getting a zero on this won't completely screw over my grade.

    Regarding hair:  Is it bad that my mom still schedules all of my haircuts?
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Well, if so, it's probably bad that my dad still cuts my hair.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I don't see a problem with it.  Saves $15 a pop.
  • It saved a lot of money for me. My hair looks like a darker shade of lightning's now. Soon to be black next month.
  • I wish I could tell what color Lightning's hair is supposed to be.

  • The color is Mauve, I believe.

    The hair color I have is Raspberry, or ...like this.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
  • That picture is a lot more helpful than some other ones I've seen.  I was having a hard time telling whether her hair was pinkish or just light brown/blond...
  • It's pinkish, but because Mauve is a mix of brown + red (due to the color scales) it looks like brown in the dark, and pink in the light.
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