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I can't take this guy seriously because of his avatar...

edited 2011-05-25 10:40:54 in General
You can change. You can.
Dude...I'm suppposed to ba above such petty bullshit, but I can't take him seriously and keep mistaking him for...

well, see for yourself (Link doesn't go to the actual post. I mean Scherzo, BTW)


  • Likes cheesecake unironically.
    ... Isn't that the same avatar, Vorpy uses currently?
  • Yeah.

    Also....is that a Shōjo Magical Girl version of Revy from Black Lagoon?


    >Shōjo Magical Girl

  • Likes cheesecake unironically.
    I would buy such a spin-off, if it existed.

    And that reminds that I haven't read the two Black Lagoon mangas, I bought recently...
  • You can change. You can.
    I would watch it. -shrug-

    But yeah, having a serious Evangelion discussion with someone who in my head looks like Vorpy is...well...surreal.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Guess what? It's from a DVD Special, hasn't been translated yet, hopefully it will.
  • You can change. You can.
    This also brings up another IJBM: Vorpy's avatar actually makes me want to talk to her because it somehow makes her look adorable.

    Kill me.
  • My god. I should have gussed it was Revy!
  • a little muffled
    I can't take him seriously because he's Scherzo.
  • You know it bugs the crap out of me that this should invoke strong emotion in me but nothign is doing that right now.
  • You can change. You can.

    I can't take him seriously because he's Scherzo.

    Only place I've seen him was there and the Controversial Opinions Thread where him and Satsu...whatever the fuck and him were arguing about Gundam.

    Couldn't care less about any of them and their arguments.
  • edited 2011-05-25 15:25:41
    a little muffled
    He was also in like three other threads having the same retarded argument about Gundam, which goes something like this:

    Someone else: Zeon are bad because they killed lots of people.
    Scherzo: It made military sense!
    Other person: No it didn't, plus genocide is still bad.
    Scherzo: Genocide is okay if you have a reason for it!
    Other person: Most people who committed genocide in real life claimed to have a reason too.
    Scherzo: Yeah, well, I like Zeon anyway!

    Repeat until everyone but him gets bored of it.
  • You can change. You can.
    Wow...that's...well, that's as stupid as I remember it, certainly.
  • I'm finding myself hard to take seriously with this avatar.
  • I'm a damn twisted person
    Huh, I thought this would be about how you can't take KSPAM seriously since that was the first post(you can link to specific posts). Less the avatar in his case and more the egregious EVIL TEXT in his title.
  • You can change. You can.
    Yeah, I know, I just didn't feel like correcting the URL. IIRC, I was on my way out that day when I wrote th OP.
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