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Minecraft fandumb



  • So recently the Off-Topic subforum got nuked and it has devolved now that the chat threads are being sniped and locked, and people are quitting.

  • edited 2011-03-07 21:52:35

    context ples

    EDIT: Oh, I thought this thread was about tvtropes and yack fest had been nuked or something. That would just be too big a pill to swallow.
  • I should make a thread about the right side of the forum being useless, to get people who don't contribute to the wiki to go away (and hopefully come here).
  • No rainbow star
    Wait, off topic where? The Minecraft Forum?
  • No rainbow star

    Well, there goes any fans for my texture packs >.< EVERY good forum has off topic in some form. For example, IJBM2 has it in the form of derailed threads
  • IJBM2 threads are ever on topic?
  • Yes. and I can prove it.
  • I was about to call troll but seeing all the guys agreeing with him made me reconsider.
  • Remove digging

    the fuck

    how would

    I don't
  • I'm pretty sure those guys were joking around.
  • Considering he has a twin towers avatar with a trollface, I can only hope.
  • edited 2011-04-11 19:21:27
    ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    It was a spin-off thread of this guy, a survival horror purist who hated the fact that you could make a dirt pillar and avoided all mobs, and thought that the way he played the game was just and the standard to be compared to.

    Laconic Version: He thinks the game should be changed so you can't build pillars and must use more creative methods of building, and that you should be building a fort and surviving. He is also trying to self-validate himself by making the game more difficult so it could appease hardcore gamers.
  • That's almost as retarded as removing digging.

    Why doesn't he just not do it if it pisses him off so much?

    And who would even build a pillar of dirt for more than one night?
  • Besides, wouldn't the spiders be able to climb up it if he didn't build partitions?
  • "if pillaring hadn't been in the game, you wouldn't be clamouring for them to add it"

    What alternative would there be? Not placing blocks at all? 2 dimensional minecraft? Is this guy retarded?
  • edited 2011-04-11 19:36:58
    No rainbow star
    I love how people don't realize that they are not the majority and attack everyone whi disagrees with them :D

    ^ Somebody should make a 2D scroller minecraft! :D
  • edited 2011-04-11 19:53:53
    "Bows are a fairly balanced game mechanic" So....this guy thinks the ability to place blocks on top of each other is unfair, but machine gun arrows aren't?

    "Towering is an unintended (As far as I know) and overpowered thing" Notch somehow didn't intend people to place blocks on top of each other?

    EDIT: Why the hell haven't the mods locked that piece of shit yet?
  • edited 2011-04-11 20:27:12
    ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    ^ The mods think it's fucking hilarious. They are that bad. Or they are lazy. Somebody flamed the shit out of somebody and hotlinked a picture of a guy sucking a cock, and that guy hasn't been banned yet. It's been 2 days.

    Also one of the sectional moderators haven't been online since October and other one is a Waderator ascended moderator and only bans people who don't like his ideas.
  • Sounds like pure, undiluted quality.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Yeah, they would be better off with a hypocritical tyrant like me as a moderator on there than what they have now. At least I would delete threads and orewell the fuck out of all the stupid threads rather than try to build an internet forum empire, never come online, or ignore every report that is sent to me just so I can have a golden name and sticky all my own threads.

    -not saying I want to moderate that forum, being a sticky thread manager is good enough-

    Oh damn, you guys think this 'pillaring' guy is bad?

    Oh damn, I'm bustin a gut here.

    The Eve Online forums are way worse then this. Anyone ever play that game?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Nope, post a link to a horrible thread so we can learn.
  • No rainbow star
    ^^ Eh, bet it still can't beat things such as the PAIN FOREST, where only MANLY MEN go!

    ...Months later and I still refer to that one...
  • edited 2011-04-12 01:00:16

    Make people stop doing frivilous wardecks!



    AFK cloaking is teh noob fix it!




    Warp to zero (km; ie WTZ) is killing PvP!



    That guy is salvaging my (its not yours) wreck!


    Threads like these are common on the Eve Forums. People never stop bitching about ninja salvaging, suicide ganking, WTZ, AFK cloaking, or the microwarpdrive+cloak trick. Despite CCP stating that all of them are intended.

    I wasn't around when they nerfed the nanoships. But apparently the tears were endless.

    The fandom is definitely a heavily broken base. People throw accusations of carebear and griefer around like no tomorrow, and it's always gb2/WoW.

  • No rainbow star
    ^ So it's just like the Minecraft forums then
  • Yeah. But with more vitriol, and threats to end subscriptions.
  • Stop saying "bawwww" so much.
  • I thought EVE Online was a serious game.

    You'd think the extreme difficulty would cull off everything except mature and patient players.
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