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Need some help (crowdsourcing)

edited 2011-05-29 19:51:41 in General
A while ago I posted a version of the Nolan Chart that showed where various political ideologies fell on the spectrum, now I want to get some assistance with that. I’ve been doing some work on editing it and replacing the heads with relevant symbols.


  • edited 2011-05-05 22:40:38
    I am not totally sure about this, but what about the Cato Institute's logo or the Libertarian Party's logo for Libertarianism?

    As for the others, I am not sure, sorry. A representation of an invisible hand or a set of supply and demand curves might work for Market Liberalism though.

    I am not really sure how you could find symbols for stuff like Modern Conservatism or Modern Liberalism though.
  • i'm not sure about the CATO institute that's just the name of the orginizatin displayed as well the qu4estion is raised how does one depict an invisible hand?
  • I am not really sure about the second part. I wonder if it is even possible to use symbols to represents all of those types of ideologies. If Cato's logo does not work for you, I think the Libertarian Party's logo should though.

  • Ok i'm having trouble finding an invisbvle hand picture though I did find something for Modern Liberalism (a bleeding heart)
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