If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Swing State Project is moving to Daily Kos
And specifically becoming part of the dailykos network, being hosted at elections.dailykos.com.
It's bugging me because I have to sign up for a DK account.
This here is because having a dailykos account just adds more fuel to the liberal-commie-hippie-pinko-bashing fire should I ever want to run for office. I can tell people that I also have an account at Red Racing Horses but that's less well-known.
I thought that firedoglake was the left wing site and dailykos was slightly less liberal (though still pretty liberal), but I guess I could be wrong about that.
If I were to go in as my true self, then it would take a lot of careful PR and expectations management to prevent myself from becoming some sort of token liberal on the site. (See "Fox News Liberal".) And no, having some conservative positions does not automatically mean that right-wingers will stop dissing you as a "liberal".
I think there are three major liberal blogs--Daily Kos, Firedoglake, and MyDD. I've heard of crazy drama at DK and MyDD, involving Obama-vs-Clinton sniping on MyDD and banninations for conservative Democrats on DK. The people who run Swing State Project have repeatedly assured us SSP members that their new site, DailyKos Elections (elections.dailykos.com), will maintain a separate tone and will only share membership access lists, servers, and web design/advertising with the rest of the site, but some of us have yet to be convinced.
In any case, from what I've seen and heard of RedState, it's got about the same inanity as what I've heard about places like DK or MyDD, but with the added issue of my being in less agreement with the users, politically.
The main reason for SSP's move is that one of the site's main people, who is a lawyer by day, was hired by DK to run an elections horse-race-details blog full-time; DK also offered to provide hosting, which the SSP management has said is a real issue (and the SSP site has been down occasionally on election nights, with everyone commenting and refreshing furiously).
Tomorrow, SSP will be closed and DKE will officially be up and running full-time.
As for Red Racing Horses, it's basically supposed to be a conservative version of SSP--founded with the blessing of the SSP main staff, in fact. The main difference other than ideology is that RRH covers the presidential race as well, while that topic is never covered on SSP.
If you really are liberal, I would not worry too much about having posted on liberal sites. I honestly doubt many people would care about what kind of political sites you frequented. I feel like if people are going to bash you for being a liberal they would probably do so based on your views rather than on what websites you liked.
I am not too familiar with Daily Kos, but I guess it is pretty tough to be a popular political site without being more ideological extreme. At least, that is my impression of political blogs. My experience also tells me that people who are most active in politics tend to either be more conservative or more liberal than the population at large, but I might just have encountered an unrepresentative sample of political activists.
would probably do so based on your views rather than on what websites
you liked.
Experience observing politics has told me that people do not bash liberals for their ideology. They only think they bash liberals for their ideology while they actually bash liberals purely because said liberals are labeled as liberal and conveniently assigned various negative stereotypes.
So actually expressing ideas that are considered liberal is not as big of a deal as avoiding a stupid forced meme, basically.
> My experience also tells me that people who are most active in politics
tend to either be more conservative or more liberal than the population
at large, but I might just have encountered an unrepresentative sample
of political activists.
You are right that people who are involved in politics tend to be more ideologically polarized. it's this polarization that drives them to be active, in many cases.
> From what I know about that site from reading it, ideological purity tends to be enforced pretty well there.
When we're talking about primarying out the most conservative senators just because they don't fight rabidly for their ideology, yes, ideological purity tends to be enforced pretty well.
That said, my experience is that liberals tend to be somewhat more accepting of others' viewpoints on average than conservatives do.
As for concern-trolling the place, I'm just naming a possibility; the potential reward from doing that is far less than the amount of effort I'd have to put into it.
Experience observing politics has told me that people do not bash liberals for their ideology. They only think
they bash liberals for their ideology while they actually bash liberals
purely because said liberals are labeled as liberal and conveniently
assigned various negative stereotypes.
So actually expressing ideas that are considered liberal is not as big of a deal as avoiding a stupid forced meme, basically.
You mean you are not a latte drinking, Prius driving, compost building, hippie? There are probably some other stereotypes that could be added there, but I worry that some of them may be rather inappropriate (like limp-wristed).
Still, I do not know if I agree with you. I think that some people stereotype all liberals or all conservatives a certain way, but I certainly have heard people criticize policy on what they see as its demerits as well (i.e. increasing the size of government).
When we're talking about primarying out the most conservative senators
just because they don't fight rabidly for their ideology, yes,
ideological purity tends to be enforced pretty well.
That said,
my experience is that liberals tend to be somewhat more accepting of
others' viewpoints on average than conservatives do.
I am not sure if the second point is totally true, but I do think people tend to view liberals as being more open-minded. That being said, I have heard criticism of "DINOs" on liberal sites before as well as calls to primary President Obama. I might have just encountered an unrepresentative sample though.
I never liked lattes or any type of coffee for that matter. It would be pretty cool if I had the time to garden and simply composted all my stuff to become fertilizer for my garden, which could grow food I could eat and thus save on buying food from the supermarket and gas money for trips to it, but unfortunately I don't have the time for that. As for a Prius, my parents almost bought one recently, but opted for a more traditional car when they couldn't sort through potential warranty issues. If they did, though, it would be due to the MASSIVELY better gas mileage--about twice the efficiency, so imagine you're effectively paying for $2/gal gas.
And I don't have long hair or tie-dyed clothes or peace pendants.
(Do I think about carbon emissions? Yes. Is it a selling point I'd present to a hippie-hating audience? Fuck no.)