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  • This will end well.
  • edited 2011-04-25 19:26:54
    $80+ per session
    ^^ Is that supposed to be an insult? Why don't you take your tiny dick and rub it on some more 1 year old pampers?
  • edited 2011-04-25 19:27:37
    Has friends besides tanks now
    How is it, Chuggles, that you always manage to drop in when you're mentioned? It's all about you, huh?
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-04-26 21:45:16

    [Comment deleted]
    [Reason: Pseudo flaming]

  • Because you never know what you might see.
    At least he has a dick.
  • edited 2011-04-25 19:29:01
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    It's all about oyu, huh?

    No, that's Rottweiler. And learn to spell, dumbass. 

    Nest febuary, let's launch a nucular bomb at Antartica.

     That insult was so fucking terribly unfunny that seventeen episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus just erased themselves out of existence. 
  • Writer, Artist, Obscure.
    Kukukukuku, fun for the whole family....
  • edited 2011-04-25 19:28:41
    ^^ And the world was better off for it.
  • $80+ per session
    @Bob: COMBO.

    @Chagen: And another thing. I met my 2 year old daughter could kick your ass. But I would never let you have the chance because you've probably kidnap her and/or steal her underwear.
  • edited 2011-04-25 19:29:23
    @GL - Carat abuse.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-04-26 21:45:41

    [Comment deleted]
    [Reason: Pseudo flaming]

  • edited 2011-04-25 19:30:46
    Has friends besides tanks now
    @ DYRE: Go back to watching your faggot moe anime filth.

    @ DonZabu: Take your complaints to someone who cares.

    Runnin' outta steam.
  • "^^^^Not that much of an achievement considering you don't have ovaries, a uterus or a womb, dumbass. Not to mention, at least she got laid at least once in her pathetic life."

    Not my fault I have standards.
  • edited 2011-04-25 19:29:43
    Writer, Artist, Obscure.
    ^^^^^ Oooh! Nice!
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-04-26 21:45:52

    [Comment deleted]
    [Reason: Pseudo flaming]

  • edited 2011-04-25 19:31:29
    Because you never know what you might see.
    ^^ Yeah, you're so superior and above it all with your sideline snark and astonishing wit.

  • edited 2011-04-25 19:31:09
    $80+ per session
    My daughter's deadbeat, community-college education, suicidal, father is more of a man than you Chagen.
  • edited 2011-04-25 19:32:50
    Has friends besides tanks now
    ^^^ How about you crawl back to the kitchen instead?

    @ Chuggles: Says the diaper fetishist. Now go back to your crib like mommy said, Chuggy-Wuggy bear.
  • Writer, Artist, Obscure.
    @Bob: Specs? That's the best you got? Being unknown rules!
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Shut it, specs.

    He wishes he had specs to hide those fucking black holes he calls "eyes" from the rest of the natural world. 

     And the world was better off for it.

    You're so oblivious to real comedy that you'd yelp in mild confusion if George Carlin fucked you. This, of course, is assuming the wildly fallacious idea that you could ever possibly get laid. 

  • "Wanting to fuck a cartoon =/= standards. Now crawl back to your crib."

    And when you're dead from Syphilis, Gonnarhea and AIDS at the same time, I'll be having sex with that hot girl you totally wanted to fuck in high school.
  • Writer, Artist, Obscure.
    This game's winner is Vivi!
  • >@ DonZabu: Take your complaints to someone who cares.

    Take yourself to the store and buy a decent wig. I mean, Jesus.

    >Runnin' outta steam.

    We all are.

  • edited 2011-04-25 19:32:24
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    >Chagen having sex ever

    ^ No u. 
  • Writer, Artist, Obscure.
    Ooh, and it appears Chagen goes for the STDs, a bold move
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-04-26 21:46:08

    [Comment deleted]
    [Reason: Pseudo flaming]

  • Writer, Artist, Obscure.
    Short sweet and to the point, Bob takes this one
  • edited 2011-04-25 19:34:05
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    ^^ You're one to talk, considering you got skullfucked so hard from TVTropes that the Martians can still hear your pathetic whining. 
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-04-26 21:46:19

    [Comment deleted]
    [Reason: Pseudo flaming]

  • edited 2011-04-25 19:36:20
    Has friends besides tanks now
    @ Chuggles: Something tells me that the guy who wants to fuck the soiled garments of little children is going to get infected well before Bob.

    @ Mousa: See, if you actually had a brain in that fat skull of yours, you could be firin' your own shots instead of commenting from the sidelines like a retard.
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