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Girls' clothing is so much more colorful than boys' clothing

edited 2011-04-24 20:53:19 in Meatspace
Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
And the same with women's and men's, only with even fewer color choices.


  • Why didn't you just combine both of these into one thread?
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Because...I don't know, actually.
  • >mfw when OP isn't Central Avenue


    Fucking hell, what is it with me and ponies today?
  • edited 2011-04-24 21:01:04
    But anyway, I agree with you.  But on the other hand, even if I were a girl, or if there were more colorful boys' clothes, I imagine I'd still just wear pretty much the same kind of clothes I wear now.  That is, jeans and t-shirts.  So ultimately I don't think this is terribly relevant to me.
  • $80+ per session
  • edited 2011-04-24 21:11:53
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Actually, there is this nice general color scheme guide to sections of a department store, when yuo don't know where stuff is:

    Black and darker colors is adults' stuff.  White and lighter colors is children's stuff.
    Blue and more traditional solid colors is boys' stuff.  Pink and more blended or neon/flashy colors is girls' stuff.

    So if you see a clothing section that has lots of white and pink, it's probably for girls.  A section with lots of black and blue is probably for men.

    Which has also irritated me.  Why can't I get a white-and-baby-blue pair of sneakers?
  • «Why can't I get a white-and-baby-blue pair of sneakers?»
    Look for a place that sells basketball shoes; those often come in white-and-baby-blue because that's UNC's color scheme.
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