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Talking to a friend who's high / tipsy / drunk / not entirely sober

edited 2011-04-09 15:07:00 in Meatspace
And despite being sober yourself, you start to feel a little less sober just by talking to them. Seriously, it's like, WTF.

Also, IJBM that probably no one else knows what I'm talking about.


  •  you start to feel a little less sober just by talking
    If by "less sober" you mean "More prone to laugh at dumb jokes/things", then yeah, that happens to me too. I can't say it's a bad experience, though, since that's what people usually get drunk for.
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    If it's marijuana, I think I get, but alcohol?  It must be drunken waves or something.
  • Let me use an example. Last night (technically this morning, but whatever), me and my friend walked in the house watching Dane Cook (despite neither of us really caring for him that much) with some chili cheese fries (this detail isn't really relevant to the story, I just want to talk about how delicious they are. Like, OMG, sooooooo good). We're talking about our favorite comics and how stupid people are to pay to see comics live when they do the same shit they do on TV (that you can see for free every other week), and just seeing her slumped over in her (my) recliner and slurring her words almost made me start doing it. Then I got the munchies and we went to get some ice cream, and all I can say is, thank god the place with the ice cream and chili cheese fries stays open until 2 am. But, that's beside the point.
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    It sounds like a sympathetic high or something.  Were you getting high too or was it just the random babble that got to you.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-04-09 15:21:49
    It felt like a little of both. It actually felt like I was high, only mildly. In retrospect, it was probably just a contact high.
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    That just sounds like you got marijuana cooties.  I know that sounds ridiculous stupid but it's an amusing thought.
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