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I didn't go to school today.

edited 2011-04-04 12:48:17 in Meatspace
a little muffled
So, yesterday I felt like absolute shit. Mix of a cold with sleep deprivation. I couldn't concentrate on anything, I felt like I could barely stay conscious (except that actually trying to sleep, as usual, accomplished nothing).

Today, I woke up at the time I'm actually supposed to (on account of it being debatable whether I was technically asleep). I got up, went to the bathroom to take a shower or whatever, felt kinda shitty, went back to bed. What a dumb thing to do. I mean, I guess I figured I'd end up feeling like yesterday, which would be...not good if I was at school. But I missed a test because of this idiocy, and worst case scenario I could've gone home early, right?

I basically feel okay right now, to, other than having a runny nose. I could've at least gone for first period to do the test. I mean, the teacher's nice enough, and I haven't missed a test before, so I'll probably be able to make it up, but still...


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