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What are you watching/reading now?

in General
Perpetually Peckish
Just thought it might be fun to catch up on what we're all on watching and reading at the moment. Me, right now, I'm catching up on some Deltora Quest.


  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Well, I've last watched Conan the Barbarian, but I do it like once every few weeks, so I'm not quite sure how it counts.
  • I've been getting into single-player Forge again (a MtG engine), if that counts as reading, which probably shouldn't because I barely read them (I should, it's good for language learning).
  • Perpetually Peckish
    I guess I should have added playing as well, lol?
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