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Interacting with drunk people while entirely sober.

edited 2011-04-02 23:28:08 in Meatspace
a little muffled
It is awkward.


  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Especially when they hate you IRL, but are begging you to forgive them or wishing they never broke up with you.
  • It can be pretty funny.... unless they are very wasted, point at which you feel kind of responsible and try to help them, always fearing that they may vomit on your clothes.
  • Being drunk no longer counts as IRL?
  • Well, I imagine dealing with drunks online is no picnic either. Just look at Raw Power.

    My old roommate liked to keep her booze in my fridge and throw up in my trash bin. I usually avoided confrontation by pretending to be asleep.
  • I'm used to helping drunk people.
  • Hell, I hate interacting with other drunk people when I'm drunk.

    Lousy fuckers can't hold their liquor.
  • edited 2011-04-03 15:04:32
    Woki mit deim Popo.
    I've dealt with a drunk dude while playing World of Warcraft.  It was in a battleground, I was playing a human rogue.  The was this drunk dude typing random crap.  Since we we're getting spanked by the Horde, I decided to chat with the drunk and having fun.  That took the sting of our asses getting handled to us.

    ^  I've never drank, so the idea of being drunk is such a foreign experience for me.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-04-03 15:46:32
    I always thought the stereotypes concerning drunk people were completely false considering I'm relatively "normal" (for lack of a better word) when I'm drunk / tipsy / intoxicated / whatever. Then I realized that most other people were just as stupid if not more than what people expect from drunk people.

    ...I have the faintest feeling I didn't word that right.
  • "Then" should be "than" :P

    Also, I seem to recall reading stuff about how people will act drunk under the effect of a placebo, so your own expectations may have something to do with it.
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    @ Bob

    The weird thing is that when I'm goofing off with my friends, they say I act drunk.
  • ^^Don't you only put "than" in place of "then" when you're comparing something to something else?
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    ^Yup, you're comparing how stupid they are to how stupid they are expected to be in that last sentence.

    Some people are definitely more difficult to put up with when drunk than others.  Most people are just kind of funny, but some people get kind of aggressive.
  • Shit, forgot that last sentence.

    Also, you forgot the drunks that are neither particularly funny or aggressive, like those ones that start crying over everything or profess that they love everything (which is sort of funny, I guess) or the ones that are too busy puking and blacking out to do anything else (again, kind of funny, but that's besides the point).
  • or the ones that are too busy puking and blacking out to do anything else 
    Well, that has less to do with drunk type and more to do with drunk level.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    >profess that they love everything

    Oh god, this was me as a teenager.

    When they're puking and blacking out I tend to feel more concerned than anything.  Though if they have just enough control left to make trouble while you try to help them it can feel a bit like babysitting a particularly messy oversized child.
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