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Since it's October and young Christopher Lee looks damn good in a kilt...
I have to say, Neil LaBute did a marvelous job in completely missing the point of the movie, and his remake is a monument to hilarious incompetence. The original movie was great because it eschewed the typical horror clichés. Summerisle was weird, but also whimsical and fun. If it weren't for the whole sacrifice thing, you'd almost feel you could fit right in. The Nicolas Cage version instead makes everyone all serious business and unrelatable BITCHES! as well as badly translating the plot into standard horror tropes. All those catchy songs get replaced with some generic "scary" BGM and a bunch of hamfisted jump "scares". Also, without the Celtic context and cheerful atmosphere, the May Day festivities go from carnival-esque freaky fun to just plain stupid.
To emphasize, this is Willow in the original. This is Willow in the remake. I can never get over that stupid sad/pouty look Kate Beahan has to wear throughout the entire film.
I think the difference between the two movies emphasizes the misconception paranoid folk often have about certain ideologies. We're not all humourless goons intent on burning you to death. No, we drink and be merry, mess with your head, then burn you to death while singing a catchy folk tune.
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Oh gawd, they're Straw Feminists? Now I need to watch this movie even more.
The original got an Iron Maiden song. Did the remake get an Iron Maiden song? Fuck no. PERIOD.