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David Wong

edited 2013-08-08 11:26:25 in General

oh jesus fuck this guy

Why Your Male Friends Almost Certainly Want to Have Sex With You;

Men can't be friends with women, amirite! 

Sex Ed (for Boys): Why Porn is Not a Good Way to Learn About Sex

OK, now tell me something I don't know.

Some of you guys who grew up on The Matrix still fantasize about beating the shit out of a street full of thugs in a fight that looks like a choreographed dance. This class will not teach you how to do that. No class will teach you how to do that.

Why Believing Action Movies Are Real Will Get You Killed;

You mean I can't jump out of a burning car a second before it explodes, do a 360-degree flip fifty feet in the air, and land on solid concrete on my feet with no harm done to me? 

Many of you will get very depressed in your 20s, and some of you will stay that way the rest of your lives. Over the years your garage band will break up, you career dream will fall through, a girl will break your heart, you'll be unhappy with your body, you'll lose your parents, your favorite pet will die,

On that note, can we keep talking about movies because there is some serious projection going on here

Here's the problem: these fantasies were created by adults, as a means of escape from the real world. You, however, have been watching them since you were five--for most of us these were our first impressions of how the adult world works, even if on a subconscious level. You had no context to realize they were bullshit. It sounds frivolous, but that doesn't change the fact that some of you reading this will not survive the long process of learning how different the real world is.

So you're saying that the real world isn't ruled by evil cyborg wizards and giant slug aliens who get their asses handed to them by a farmboy with relatively little training and Indiana Jones? 


You know, for someone who claims that people can't discern fantasy from reality you seem to have trouble discerning fantasy from reality.


  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    > Cracked.com

    Well, there's your problem.

    > Men can't be friends with women, amirite!

    Well, to be fair, I think that everyone who is not asexual and who is sexually mature gives some thought to the issue of sexual intercourse with a large number of other people.  The more relevant questions are (1) how much does one desire sexual intercourse with a given other person, and (2) whether one acts on that desire.

  • Oh man, this got posted? I distinctly remember pulling out at the last second.

  • >Wong

    >anything but condescending, self-hating, Captain Obvious cog-in-the-machine drivel rehashed over and over

    Highly unlikely.

  • They're somethin' else.

    Oh hey, it's this thread again.

  • Judging by her outlandish attire she's some sort of free-thinking anarchist


    >anything but condescending, self-hating, Captain Obvious cog-in-the-machine drivel rehashed over and over

    But if you don't hate yourself first, other people get to do it. : < And that's painful.

  • There are, at any one time, millions of people out there who hate you. They might know you, or they might not. It might be your creed, the colour of your skin, your sexuality, your dangly bits, or simply your face. It's what you are, what you could become or what you could have been. They might try to hurt you, torture you, murder you, but the few who do pale in comparison to the majority that simply fantasize about such things in impotent rage every time they see you, or read about you, or remember you. Existence is precious and glorious, precisely because the act of simply breathing spites all those that hate you.

  • Judging by her outlandish attire she's some sort of free-thinking anarchist

    Is that you, or a quote? If the latter, who's it from, and if the former, can I use it as a signature on another forum?

  • It's something I typed meself, so feel free. It's probably remixed from a bunch of Quotes for edgy tropes on TVT, since I've begun reading the wiki again recently.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    That part about your breath spiting people, I think I've read before, but I can't quite place it.

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