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I'm not from the British Isles myself, but I figured this thread would be useful.
Anyway, let's get started!
lol old rules
Is this about the gay marria- Nope.
Lets make it about the gay marriage thing!
This will not help...
And I'm pretty sure that gay men and pedophiles aren't the same thing
The Argentinians believe they will control the Falkland Islands within 20 years
The Tories believe that the House o Lords will block the gay marriage thing.
The only way I'd be happy with them taking back the islands is if they paid the costs the UK government would incur in moving it's citizens that live on the islands and finding them decent homes and such.
Though my real problem with this is the obsession everyone has with islands they possessed only 30+ years ago and clearly have no influence on how they run their country ever *coughChinacough*
@GayMarriage: Probably #lgbtcynicism
They are only sabre-rattling because their own economy is so far up shit creek that their boat is sinking.
Argentina may suffer from a technical default soon and they couldn't pay the $10 million for their boat that was impounded by Ghana
so how's the House of Lords work again.
Oh boy
Well, the House of Lords is the upper chamber of Parliament but few if any are actually elected. Most get appointed by the Government of the day(Usually because they are either outstanding in their field or because they are chummy with the PM) but there are 26 which are CoE bishops. Also most Lords have no party affiliation so are classed as cross benchers.
The House of Lords Act (1911) made it so the Lords could only block a bill from the Commons so many times.
I hate this god damm country
Benefit fraud, obviously, because the poor people who do that are not your political campaign funders.
Aren't the House of Lords currently more socially liberal than the Parliament, at least in terms of the Lords that are politically active?
In the end, it's not a huge difference. On one side, you have the Labour and Lib Dem Lords Temporal, and on the other side, you have the Tory Lords Temporal, and the Lords Spiritual, who, being Anglican bishops, tend to be less so. There's also a bunch of Crossbenchers, who make it hard to tell the leaning.