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Videos you know you'll never use. (now SFW)



  • The wereseawolf, an ad for a mobile data plan, not that you'd be able to tell:
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I didn't expect how this ended.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Almost certainly staged, but still worth it.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

  • I knew what the Fundamental Theorem of Engineering was before the professor showed it.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    What kind of laptop is that? That is the second laptop I have seen that puts the touchpad above the keyboard, after an Acer computer from several years ago. I've been very curious about this particular design. Incidentally, I think this design may be friendlier for using in bed.
  • dunno lol
    I think I'd prefer it with the touchpad below the keyboard, while laying down I find it more comfortable to have my arms as extended as possible, thus I'd find it easier if the keyboard were farther away.
    Though come to think of it, perhaps I'd use the touchpad more than the keyboard, but then again the touchpad can be used regardless of your wrist orientation unlike the keyboard, so perhaps it doesn't matter.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
  • What does JPII/the Catholic church/Polish conservatives have against lettuce?
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I was baffled for a while too, but then I recognized the quote the Pope utters and realized it's actually spinach.

    It happens that like every single of the pope's "memetic" utterances stems from one of his public appearances which had the format of questions-and-answers meeting with some local children. It was recorded live and aired on TV, like technically many other such occasions, but it's this one the memesters clung to. I don't know why, perhaps it was the first youtube video they found and ran with it. It's like, at the moment I can't come up with any of the memetic phrases that didn't come from it. One of these questions was, "does the Pope like spinach?", and it gave birth to a copypasta about the Pope reluctantly eating spinach out of a sense of courtesy to the chief cook nun, who in turn misunderstood it as a sign that he really likes spinach and wants it served as often as possible.

    I do admit, one would have rather expected the creampie as the powerup. Perhaps this one memester wanted to draw upon the idea of eating spinach for strength?
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • edited 2021-02-21 17:34:37
    I feel like this had the potential of becoming memetic on the basis of the other meaning of "yuri":

    @Pope and spinach: I figure it's how a bunch of meme material comes from a few episodes/scenes from someting? (Chargeman Ken, Steamed Clams, etc.)
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I remember the mousetrap car competition I participated in as part of an engineering summer class while in high school.

    Our competition had two components:
    * distance (as usual)
    * tug-of-war competition

    My parents helped me build some bulky design I found on the internet. IIRC it consisted of some sort of platform (all covered in duct tape for some reason) supported by CD wheels, and I don't remember there being any sort of pulley wheel.

    We did horribly on distance, placing like 3rd of four cars.

    However, we actually won the tug-of-war.
  • Hah, that's cool. I don't think we did anything like that in school.
    At uni there were similar competitions with cars making use of energy stored in springs, though not mousetraps specifically.
    That reminds me we never studied rolling resistance in detail so I spent some time reading about it.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    That's some neat stuff.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Oh hey it's that guy again.

    I remember seeing one of his videos a while ago.

    This kinda reminds me of a similarly painful-to-watch lab safety video, complete with someone trying to force a rubber ring onto a test tube resulting in it breaking and apparently stabbing their hand through their glove.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    It's funny that I could guess that that was Scout even before clicking on it.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Did he say a bad word?
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    It might be a bit hard to discern, not being fluent in the language, but it's like:

    Comedian: Hip hip -
    Audience: Hurrah!
    Comedian: Hip hip -
    Audience: Hurrah!
    Comedian: Sieg -
    Audience: [well, you know]
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    lol i thought he said "shit"
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