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Videos you know you'll never use. (now SFW)
Oh, some are not safe for work (this one is, though)
<- not seeing the lag thanks to flashblock.
Point he managed to forget: Pokemon love fighting. The ones that don't apparently stay away from areas humans go to (...Although I'm pretty sure Mt Silver is one of these places which makes Ethan a bit of an asshole...)
Here, have one that isn't WTF weird but just really nice.
Also, anyone who wants to get rid of the automatic embedding but doesn't know how to futz around with the HTML, you can just bold the colon after http to interrupt the parser. Or anything in the http:// sequence, but the colon is least obvious and doesn't look tacky.
> 8-bit growling vocals
Suddenly, it sounds better.
NSFW due to lyrics (yay Pokennuendo!)
I am a rebel. Also this is funny and has no explicit images, just words
Actually, I tell a lie. I've used this many times. And I know I'll use it many more.
Clearly the greatest Megaman game of all time. OF ALL TIME.
...and I recognize the desert area music too. What is it?
At least this video put me through a series of events which culminated in adding The Neverhood to my list of "games that I really really need to get my hands on at some point because I don't know why I've yet to ever play them".
I've figured it out: the Pyramid music is from Actraiser, it's for the Fillmore stage. I'd previously heard it used as the Pharaoh Man stage music from Rockman 4 Minus Infinity (a romhack).
(Not the desert music. I already know that's BONGAWANGA from La-Mulana.)
Turn your speakers down.
Seriously. Way down.
^^Not using the original SANIC song
Fucking shazbots
Fish fingers and custard is actually really good.
Forgot to post yesterday, so have two videos!
EDIT: Huh. Both Pokemon themed. Fancy that
^^ How did you get two of them to work?
@Ica: Teach me your ways.