If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Any good Facebook games? (serious question)
I used to play a Nethack port, until Facebook's continuous updating kind of screwed it over.
Any of you got any suggestions?
At this moment, apart from a ridiculously popular game adaptation of a Serbian game show (which you, obviously, don't care about), I have only SongPop on my games list.
One game that sounded right up my alley, Pixel Ranger, appears to be forever stuck in a gamebreaking bug. Damn.
This... "Deep Realms" game is no longer updated.
And the N port won't even load.
We're off to a great start.
Hanjie Puzzle, if it still exists.
Why would you not just play the regular versions of these games?
NetHack is free dude.
ridiculously free.
Because he's at the library or something maybe?
I'm 99% sure there's an in-browser NetHack client. Possibly more than one.
Let me go look.
Yeah, here you go bro.
You need Flash, tho.
There's also a Telnet-based Nethack thing.
Echo Bazaar. Just... Echo Bazaar.
If you're looking for browser games in general, Glitch is also pretty sweet.
Is Echo Bazaar technically a Facebook game?
I mean, I'd second the recommendation for it, but while you do have to link it to Facebook or Twitter, it's on its own website and stuff.
Point. My brain pretty much went "it requires Facebook, so it's obviously a Facebook game! Of course!
Empires and Allies.
I basically played Facebook Nethack because I like the idea of letting people know I played Nethack. You know, hoping to educate the dumbasses on my friends list and all that.
Anyway, I think I'll try out Echo Bazaar.