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IJBM D&D game! (discussion)
read it Rita Repulsa's voice. And silly, one can fake an alignment! right?
You can fake an alignment in behaviour, but you can't fool a Paladin's Detect Evil without going to great magical lengths. :P
Why are you trying to bring my idea crashing down? If for the purposes of the argument she's a massive powerful being/sorcerer, hiding her true alignment would kind of be necessary.
I'm just being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative. I do things like that quite often.
In reality, Erith does have a fairly big role to play in the story, but it's got more to do with her position as the head of a minor House than being an immortal sorceror.
I can't promise you that there aren't other massively powerful sorcerors waiting in the wings, because if I did, I might be lying.
However, I'd like to think that I could come up with something more original than 'Your party's mentor and benefactor is secretly evil and using you to gain power'.
I would think so.
People in this thread might find this tweet amusing.
Hah, lol.
Lazuli: It is your turn, by the way.
(If someone takes too long to post, by the way, I'm skipping their turn to move the game along. I'll give people a few days before that happens though.)
Oh, it is?
Okay, let me just see what I should do.
OK, I cannot think right now. What do I have to roll for Magic Missile?
Also do I have to aim at a specific skeleton or can I just target the nearest one?
You need to roll for Spell Resistance, if your opponent has it. In this case, the skeletors do not have it; in further incidents, you would roll 1d20+your caster level.
You do need to specify your target, but in this instance, you can just say 'the nearest one' and I will know which one you are referring to.
So, all you need to do currently is specify your target and roll damage.
OK dank je.
I forgot that Magic Missile always hits, yes.
It hits, but it is also affected by Spell Resistance, if your opponent has it.
I know, but skeletons don't.
son of a bitch.
I just realized I wrote the last post in present tense, whilst all my prior ones have been in past tense.
and I can't edit the post, cuz the thing will go DURR HURR U CHEETED
Gonna roll starting wealth for my backup character here:
(Rolled: 4d6. Rolls: 5, 2, 4, 4. Total: 15)
why do you want your character to die
it's rude you know
But I don't!![D: D:](/forums/resources/emoji/anguished.png)
I just had the idea when I was thinking one day. I like making characters.
Also, extra Hit Dice, since they couldn't possibly come in until level 3.
(Rolled: 2d8. Rolls: 7, 4. Total: 11)
I just realized that I can technically have each of my weapons in hand, dagger and scimitar, and not take penalties as long as I don't attack with both at once.
IJBM: Everyone in Dungeons and Dragons is ambidextrous. Why can't I be ambidextrous?
I'm fairly certain the penalties specifically apply to your off hand.
Ah. I wasn't sure what to make of Two-Weapon Fighting's wording, but I guess that makes sense.
It's also your turn, by the way.
Yo. Clockwork.
I believe the skeleton gains a +4 partial concealment AC bonus.
EDIT: Wait, the partial bonus is that high now?
According to the rules:
Wouldn't the skeleton that just attacked Nom Lam be subject to either Nom Lam's readied attack, or mine?
If you saw the parenthesis that I just removed, never mind that; I didn't know that you could take a 5-foot step as part of that.