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Why is Nanoha so much less popular with the usual anime crowd than with TVTropes?



  • Has friends besides tanks now

    I thought Oyasumi Punpun was also supposed to be dark Slice of Life.

  • edited 2012-10-28 21:24:58

    It's Not My Fault I'm Not Popular!

    Eh.  I guess I can see what you mean, but I don't really think of it that way.  Since generally "Taken to the logical extreme of despair and bleakness" implies srsbzns and Watamote is undeniably a comedy.  And anyway it's less a "Deconstruction" of the slice-of-life genre and more of just... the portrayal of otaku characters in anime/manga, independent of genre.

    Isn't Idolmaster dark-ish?

    Absolutely not.


    ^ Um... is it slice of life?  I guess it is, technically.  But it's not anywhere close to the same kind of thing that people usually mean when they talk about slice-of-life anime/manga.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    You are saying that there is absolutely no way that someone can do that because some of the themes they deal with are different.

    No, I didn't. I said you can't draw meaningful comparisons between the two. That doesn't prevent people from arguing about which show is better.

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    Your definition of meaningful is very different from someone elses Nova.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Eh. I guess I can see what you mean, but I don't really think of it that way. Since generally "Taken to the logical extreme of despair and bleakness" implies srsbzns and Watamote is undeniably a comedy. And anyway it's less a "Deconstruction" of the slice-of-life genre and more of just... the portrayal of otaku characters in anime/manga, independent of genre.

    I'd argue that, as slice of life is a very vague genre in the first place, Popular! fits it decently. It's just that the life being sliced is an incredibly depressing one. It is supposed to be a comedy but it's often hard to read at points just because the main character is such a cartoonish caricature of an introvert that it's difficult not to feel bad for her regardless of your opinions on stereotypical otaku.

  • edited 2012-10-28 21:23:53

    ^^^ Then what was the point?  The question

    aren't they trying to do two different things?

    obviously meant "different enough that you can't say one is better."

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Your definition of meaningful is very different from someone elses Nova.

    Be that as it may.

    Then what was the point?

    The question was asking if they were similar enough that you could draw meaningful comparisons between the two, in order to see if they were similar enough that you could compare them and see which is better.

    They are not similar enough that you could compare them against each other to see which is better in that way. You could look at it differently, and say that Madoka is a much better show because it has better pacing, a clear idea of what it wants to do, and is more thematically consistent, but that was not what was being asked.

    Madoka and Nanoha try to do two very different things, carrying different messages and presenting them in different ways. There are superficial similarities, but they are not enough to be able to compare and contrast the two in a way that would speak of either's quality.

  • I told you a hundred times Seibah, I don't want you in my pool

    A dark slice of life would be "I am a hero" since its basically a slice of life about the zombie apocalypse.

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    Would Welcome to the NHK count as a dark slice of life?

  • Yes but really, what I meant (and it was my fault for not being clear) wasn't necessarily "slice of life" as much as it was "cute girls doing cute things" a la K-ON!, Yuru Yuri, Azumanga, etc..  Though I guess it's up to you whether you want to call that a genre or not and I'd understand if you don't.

  • edited 2012-10-28 21:45:15



    Welcome to the NHK?


    ^^Slo-mo Ninja'd

  • edited 2012-10-28 21:45:50
    Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    Harem? How about that?

    All these girls fall in love with this guy and it's about the incredible difficult time he has choosing between them, and the strain in puts on all of them as well as they slowly realize how horrible everyone in this entire situation is to each other?

  • edited 2012-10-28 21:50:22

    School Days

    Although I'm pretty sure it's less "deconstruction" and more "the bad ends were the only memorable part of the VN so we decided to put them in the anime or else nobody would watch it."

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei had a weird as fuck harem ending.

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    I'm thinking less School Days, and something more cutesy and fanservice looking that lulls you into a false sense of security like Madoka did.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Yes but really, what I meant (and it was my fault for not being clear) wasn't necessarily "slice of life" as much as it was "cute girls doing cute things" a la K-ON!, Yuru Yuri, Azumanga, etc.. Though I guess it's up to you whether you want to call that a genre or not and I'd understand if you don't.

    I think the closest thing you'd find to a dark n' edgy take on that is the Azudaioh remix comic The Essential Kriegsaffe #9, which is unfortunately long gone from the internet, afaik. 

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    K-On, Lucky Star, Azudaioh, done dark n edgy but still with a cutesy artsyle would be fun.

  • edited 2012-10-28 21:55:11
    Judging by her outlandish attire she's some sort of free-thinking anarchist

    You can say one thing is better than another even if they're doing completely different things.

    You will doubtless be shocked to hear this, but I partially disagree. It'd be like comparing chocolate with almonds to chocolate with caramel and arguing one's better than the other. The textures are too different; it doesn't matter if they're both chocolate and both sweet, one is a different eating experience from the other. There comes a time when you have to take things for what they are. Almonds don't automatically suck because they're chewy/crunchy instead of smooth and creamy - their chewiness is a feature. Any qualitative comparison you make is going to be personal opinion and nothing else.

    Likewise, Nanoha's 'bad points' and Madoka's 'bad points' are not things that you can constructively critique in a single argument, because they lie in different areas - same with their 'good points'. An overall comparison of the two series (as opposed to a comparison of the mechanics of each universe, or the acting in both, or some other part of the whole) isn't something I can see going anywhere but in circles. When the themes of two works are so divergent (the themes, mind you, not the conclusions the works come to; if they explore the same questions and come up with different answers there's definitely room for comparative criticism), it doesn't matter if they're similar in other respects. Everything'll just devolve into 'Madoka is overwrought and not nearly as clever as it thinks it is' and 'Nanoha is a bunch of escapist bullshit pandering to perpetually blue-balled girls' love fans' and so on and so forth. 

    And that is what I meant by what I said. 

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

     K-On, Lucky Star, Azudaioh, done dark n edgy but still with a cutesy artsyle would be fun.

    It's Not My Fault I'm Not Popular! again sorta fits, but it's still a comedy and in its darkest moments is more depressing than anything.

    It's also not got enough females in its cast to be quite similar to those shows. I dunno if that matters here or not. 

    Also, opinions will vary on how cutesy the art style is. The main character's supposed to look creepy but a lot of people find her cute anyway.


  • I told you a hundred times Seibah, I don't want you in my pool

    Actually I'm not sure how much school day counts since thats a bad end, if you want harem and dark, there's saya no uta but that doesn't start to lure you in.

    There is saikano for romance, since it kind of goes places, but like I said, check out I am a hero, its pretty good stuff.

  • It'd be like comparing chocolate with almonds to chocolate with caramel and arguing one's better than the other.


    While in the end, preference will be a matter of opinions, you can definitely compare the quality of the chocolate.

  • Judging by her outlandish attire she's some sort of free-thinking anarchist

    And the almonds, for that matter. I get what you mean. 

  • edited 2012-10-28 22:18:13

    Anyway, the important thing is that we all agree that plain chocolate is the best.

  • I told you a hundred times Seibah, I don't want you in my pool

    Also idolmaster wasn't that dark, I don't remember it being a dark look at the industry. I think perfect blue and paranoid agent took a look at idol-dom, but I can't think of a dark rendition of it.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Idolmaster was not dark at all, on par.

    Sure, it had darker moments.  But that doesn't make it dark.

    Also, white chocolate is best chocolate.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    When I eat white chocolate, I can feel my teeth rotting. 

    Milk chocolate is best chocolate. 

  • Don't make me choose between chocolate.

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Dark chocolate is the queen of chocolates.

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!
    Dark chocolate is awful. White chocolate is anmaxing. I'm eating it right now.
  • White chocolate is only a valid choice when the chocolate was going to be poor quality anyway. Dark Chocolate is great. Milk chocolate is still my favourite, though.

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