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As far as I know, my Edgy handle is still banned on TV Tropes., but now my work as a page AHAHAHA!
I wrote the story and script to this. Been working on it since before 2009 with a good friend of mine. AHAHAHAHA! My work has a page! Thanks for the free advertisement, Fast Edward! Revenge is a dish best served ignorant.
Yeah that's great and all but well there is the whole rule against importing drama and stuff. I know the being named after a former forum there might be misleading, but we don't really seem to care much about TVT these days.
Yeah, it is great. Free advertisement! It was only a matter of time because someone made one of these.
Hmm. We . . . don't particularly need another TVTropes discussion, but hopefully this work catches on, with or without this advertisement.
Game looks okay. I think I'll give it a try. Beat-em-ups are pretty much my favorite genre.
Well, for what it's worth, I guess this is a legit work that's actually been officially released and published and is acquirable. Better than fanfic pages on TVT.
I sort of love when things like this happen.
There's a bonus
pun there, but explaining it would probably be a waste of breath.
In b4 farfetched interpretations of the work, fetishization of the characters and hyperbolic gushing ruin the enjoyment of the Morissirony.
diseased flame, sibling
Oh yeah. I'd hate it if my fanfic ended up on TVT. But the game I helped work on... yeah, this is something I want people to know about.
It might be free advertising, but I'm not sure it's good advertising. Given how work pages don't really describe a work very well and just list off easy to notice things in it... your game sounds like an extended sex joke from an aggressively teenage mindset. Not sure if that is accurate, but that's the impression your work page conveys.
Hm, you have a point, however, don't most people who frequent the site know that work page don't describe the work very well? I don't know, I stopped caring about TVT a year and half ago until something I worked on ended up there.
Hell if there is a way to quantify how many people believe in the usefulness of work pages, but plenty of people on the site(aka the ones maintaining and seeing the stuff) generally seem to think that trope lists are accurate representations of a work.
Well anyway, a few people here may actually like the game. It's a retro- anime-ish style beat 'em up based on Fist of the North Star, Cutey Honey, and God Hand and it's pretty hard by design. I wrote the story and script and I will tell you that it's more than just you vs. the demons, but not much more really. Things get pretty awesome in the end though.
In that case, I'll be sure to give that a try once I get a Desura account.
Thanks! Hope you like the demo. Also, this game really should be played with a gamepad. You can manage a little with the keyboard though.
Yeah, I was gonna say...
This is why TVT is not good advertising. It's not that a trope page is bad, it's that the people who make it for you aren't always the brightest in what they highlight.
That right there is, IMO, the fundamental flaw with TVT. Listing elements is fun, but it is only fun. Viewing it as anything more isn't a good idea.
I saw the trailer and it does look like an extended...well, not an extended sex joke, but an extended fanservice fest.
edit: inb4 penis joke
It actually doesn't even look all that fanservicey to be honest.
Which is weird because I get the impression that fanservice was what they were going for.
Not saying that the fanservice will necessarily appeal to you. :P It doesn't appeal much to me either; I don't like it so blatant and absurd.
Even better: I'll play it with an arcade stick.
And BAM! It was cutlisted. Of course it was. Hm, it's for the best really. I was thinking about what you guys were saying.
Edit: Nevermind...
It looks to me like someone just put it in the VideoGame namespace.
It sounds like you figured that out though, so this post is kind of redundant now.