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People who don't eat pizza crusts

edited 2011-03-22 17:35:48 in Meatspace
Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
You're wasting a TON of food.


  • I agree strongly. Not only for wasting, but because it's actually one of the nicest bits. I saw some pizza crusts in our bin the other week and I fell to my knees and fucking wept.

    WHAT'S THE PROBLEM??? YOUR TEETH NOT STRONG ENOUGH FOR IT???????????????(???)(?)(???(??(???(???????(?))))?)
  • edited 2012-07-22 17:51:00

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    This is why I love Papa John's.  They always provide garlic butter dip for the crusts.  And it is one of the best things ever.

    I used to rummage through pizza boxes looking for unopened cups of garlic butter dip.
  • edited 2011-03-22 18:12:33
    Has friends besides tanks now
    I usually eat the crusts, but I think the pizza itself is way better and sometimes decide that I'd rather eat just that. I'll admit that I could make more of an effort to save what I don't eat, though. At least we keep leftover pizza and finish it.
  • Likes cheesecake unironically.
    I always eat the crust when I eat pizza. But I wonder if there are people, who only eat the crust. That would be an even bigger waste.
  • I always eat the crusts.

    Especially if their those cheese-filled kinds. Fuck those are better than sex.
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    ^ Now those crusts, I'll eat every single time.
  • Likes cheesecake unironically.
    ^^ Reading that, I feel reminded of these old "Herbal Essences" commercials, which always featured a woman orgasming. While washing her hair. It was... very awkward.
  • ....Man, you Euros have wierd commercials.
  • Um, Chagen?  Those commercials are shown in America too.
  • Or rather, were. He's probably not old enough to remember them.
  • edited 2011-03-22 21:19:22
    Poot dispenser here
    Yeah, they probably stopped showing those.

    Hell, they stopped showing a LOT of commercials.

    EDIT: I now realize how obvious that statement is. What I mean is that commercials are shown for a while, then forgotten when the company goes on a new ad campaign. Kind of like the Old Spice ads.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Burma-Shave ads are better than Old Spice ads.
  • We should get the option to order the crust stuffed with cheese and sausage.
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