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The sexiest summer Olympics sport

edited 2012-08-08 21:23:54 in Media
Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human




  • Has friends besides tanks now

    -cough- Gymnastics -cough-

    I'll give you diving as a close second, though.

  • edited 2012-08-08 21:45:51
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Isn't gymnastics, like, pedo bait?

    Edit: Come to think of it, it looked less like pedo bait than usual.

    I blame it on the sheer amount of eyeshadow used.

  • Don't gymnasts have to be at least like 16?

  • edited 2012-08-08 21:57:43
    Has friends besides tanks now

    ^^ A lot of them are around my age, give or take, for what it's worth. It would be pretty weird for someone in, say, their thirties to find this attractive, but it would also be weird for someone in their thirties to be doing gymnastics at that level as well.

    But setting aside any individual athlete, I just find the whole sport to be amazing conceptually, both in terms of aesthetics and in terms of technical skill and showmanship. Hopefully that doesn't seem too creepy.

    ^ Just looking up the U.S. team, two of them are 16, and two of them are 18. Don't know about the fifth person. And honestly, I think McKayla looks older than 16.

    EDIT: . . . Now that GMH mentions it, it probably is the eyeshadow. Damn. I don't know how to feel about any of this. That's really weird.

  • edited 2012-08-08 21:54:36

    Well, I mean, there is actually a rule that Olympic gymnasts have to be at least 16 years old (and notably, other sports don't have such a restriction, though it doesn't really matter since usually a really young person isn't going to be able to compete at an Olympic level anyway I guess).  Therefore, the sport wouldn't be "pedo bait" as every competitor would necessarily be too old.

    That said, this is a dumb thing to even be talking about so... >.>

  • edited 2012-08-12 13:17:40
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Well, if you look up a random girls gymnastics video on Youtube you get comments about that.

    Then again, Youtube comments.  And they're generally in response to other Youtube comments.

    Also, the fact that those events are generally in preparation for Olympics-level competition, and it would make sense that the participants are younger.

    That said, @All Nines, given that humans are physiologically fertile after hitting puberty, and people in first-world countries hit puberty around 13 anyway, there doesn't seem to be anything biologically wrong with finding people past puberty (and thus in their later teens if you're in a first-world country) attractive.

    Edit: Looks like I worded this horribly.  Let's try fixing it.

  • edited 2012-08-08 22:06:56
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Oh, wait, I think I get it. Is it just a general complaint at any level of gymnastics? Are younger contestants dolled up like Olympians at those things? Because that would definitely be creepy.

    That said, this is a dumb thing to even be talking about so... >.>

    Definitely agreed, though. This is a weird topic and I didn't think it would come up after my comment.



    Also gymnastics works too.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    I have yet to find the channel that has fencing. But I wish I knew, because I've been itching to check out some pro fencing.

  • edited 2012-08-08 22:12:33

    Oh, right, yeah, the topic.



    But that's because fencing is best sport.

    That said, I don't have much (read: any) interest in sports at all, other than that I did watch some of the individual women's foil when I noticed it was on TV a while ago.


    I took a few months of fencing before college. 

    I've been itching to pick it up again but lol no teachers and no money.

  • edited 2012-08-08 22:16:10
    Has friends besides tanks now

    I wonder if there's any possibility that I could pick up fencing at college. Honestly, I think I could be pretty good at it, especially if I take the opportunity to get fit.

  • edited 2012-08-08 22:14:59

    I took a few years of fencing classes during like all of middle school and I think a year or two after that even.  But then I stopped and haven't had any interest in picking it up again.  It was fun though.  Epee is best weapon.


    ^^It's worth checking out. I went to a small liberal arts college so there wasn't a lot sports funding.

    There were a lot of laxbros though. >_>

  • edited 2012-08-08 22:22:48
    Has friends besides tanks now

    There were a lot of laxbros though. >_>

    Well, of course.

    Okay, so my school doesn't offer fencing, but it offers Karate, which is probably the more practical choice.

  • edited 2012-08-08 22:25:03

    But in a zombie apocalypse a good thrusting arm and proper saber will get you through the night. D=

    Actually foil or epee would probably be better since they focus more on piercing...

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    That said, @All Nines, given that humans are physiologically fertile after hitting puberty, and people in first-world countries hit puberty around 13 anyway, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with finding them attractive.

    GMH, shut up. It's not okay.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    But in a zombie apocalypse a good thrusting arm and proper saber will get you through the night. D=

    Actually foil or epee would probably be better since they focus more on piercing...

    I've found that I'm better with piercing weapons, but I'm pretty sure I'd still be fucked in a zombie apocalypse.

  • edited 2012-08-08 22:42:24
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    In my semi-random watching of this year's Olympics, I haven't caught any mention of any fencing event.

    I tried to take fencing when I was an undergrad, but never got it.  I also tried to take pistol, but that didn't work either.  Ended up taking archery and badminton.

    @Crimson: Not saying that people should act on that attraction; just saying that it's physiologically justified.

  • I'm pretty sure you're fucked in a zombie swarm if you're down to melee with anything less than a lightsaber.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    You might need concussion/pressure blasts to drive away the zombies.

    Alternatively, go play Dead Meets Lead to prepare for zombies-swarming-you simulations.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    ^^ Decayed flesh and bones will part so easily that any good sword may as well be a lightsaber. I mean, it's pretty easy to cleave part way through someone's torso anyway (good luck making it the entire way, though), but a human body with significantly reduced structural integrity is going to hold up even worse. Zombies might be scary, but in every practical sense they're pretty wussy adversaries.  

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Then why are they so damn strong in DML?

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Because dramatic tension, probably. 


    Zombie stories are more about philosophical and ideological logic than real world logic.

    Or about attaching a chainsaw to your arm and slicing them up.

    Both are awesome.

  • Zombies might be scary, but in every practical sense they're pretty wussy adversaries. 

    Well yeah, hence zombie apocalypse being a no-sell in the first place.

  • edited 2012-08-08 23:59:10
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Well, if you go by the assumption that zombies are unnaturally reanimated corpses, their structural integrity might depend on the strength of the magic used to reanimate them...not to mention that their physical structural integrity might not be necessary for their function in the first place if it's magic anyway.

    Also, track and field is also pretty sexy.


    Volley Ball is fun to watch too.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Well, it depends. Are we talking about modern virus-based zombies, corpse thralls reanimated by dark magic or folkloric revenants? 


    >Swords talked about

    >Alex goes straight to zombies.

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