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This is so stupid.
FYI "knocked knees" is actually a real medical condition in which the knees are turned inward toward each other when a person is standing. This thread is complaining about how animesque-style girls are frequently depicted with their knees turned inward.
Cross-posted in the TV Tropes forums:
Character designers find it moe and moe=cash?
Oh, hey, there's a term for that? Because I definitely have that.
Wait, no, nevermind, my mental image of what you were talking about and what you were actually talking about are different things.
Wait, it's actually called "knock-knee".
It's also not really how anime girls are drawn like this. When drawn like this, they usually have not just their knees but also their feet turned inward toward each other, which isn't the case I can see from a quick Google image search for "knocked knees".
It's more like... they're usually pigeon-toed, though I guess knocked knees also applies too, or something.
Anyway, it's considered cute. Possibly because it's a condition common in childhood, or something. Or just because it's like the opposite of a stereotypically masculine stance... or something.
Or something.
It's like 4 in the morning I am too tired to think.
I'm both knock-kneed and pigeon-toed; my knees go backward and my feet naturally splay. Apparently it's a side-effect of a mild congenital scoliosis. It's kind of funny when people first notice it.
I think that it's an attempt to duplicate how some people's knees turn in when they're nervous, like a dog with a tail between its legs. It's a bit strange.
Just thought I'd leave this here.
Seriously though, actual medical conditions aside, it's a token cute thing. It's a stereotypically defensive reaction that flags the character as the adorable nervous type and would probably give a couple hours of wank fuel for evopsych people.
It's also a great way to completely destroy any sense of a combat character because the stance provides awful balance. It's right up there with the Ass And Boobs pose.
Thank you.
> completely destroy any sense of a combat character
Funny why I kept on seeing this in Fire Emblem fanart.
I know >_<
Then again this is a series where a barely-pubescent girl
can go about eight battles and turn into a hilariously overpowered walking pile of steel death.
Granted her stance...improves somewhat.
ZUN art is best
I don't think it's supposed to be reminiscent of the medical condition, so much as indicative of a kind of carefree posture.