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Even when and especially when they stumble upon said picture for the first time and had a genuine chuckle from the image.
Grow the fuck up people, Jeez. I hate reposts as much as anyone, but if you're gonna let one watermark sour your laugh, well hell, it's your ass. Shove whatever you want up there if it suits you.
> that moment when someone posts that same image with a "Follow this blog, you will love it on your dashboard" tag on it
Content aggragator pig disgusting. The problem with a lot of that stuff is that it wasn't that funny in the first place, often gets an 'oh so zany' caption attached to it, and clogs up the Facebook feed.
Well, if the stuff isn't funny in the first place, then whatever. But when the person seeing it genuinely has a good laugh, only to raeg JUST BECAUSE of the watermark... just, come on, man!
Arguments against EbaumsWorld antics:
Kate Beaton's negative response to the shitty snowcloning of the Oh Mr. Darcy comic, which I can't dig up at the moment.
Alright, THAT'S enlightening. Thank you.
Damn that moment.
Kate Beaton's negative response to the shitty snowcloning of the Oh Mr. Darcy comic, which I can't dig up at the moment.
While I was trying to find that, I happened upon this. So I guess that's a thing, now.
Well now, I was thinking of whether or not to make an IJBM of that, but...

And so it became known that the three most important websites in world history were Cracked, Fark, and 4Chan.
Trufax, all three of those are preferable to anything Rupert Murdoch gets his hands on.