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First of all, I wonder if there's going to be a whine that I'm importing drama. We've had a thread on TVT, we've had a thread on SA, I don't think it's that much of a drama what I'm going to say. If you say it is, well, you may interpret 'Net references as my personal life, but I'm not really in the mood to use "I have this friend" defense.
So it just bugs me a bit for some time (it's a story from a week or two ago). My views are likely questionable to whomever I mention them to, and for the record I don't even have to be, say, a Nazi for that. Okay, I'm colouring things a bit. But I've described them here once or twice, this is not a big community, so I guess there are some people who should remember that I used to rant on this topic.
So I was called by Best Of, a mod on TVT, as "pretty likely the least problematic guy [...] on the fora". The reason, pretty much, is that I tend to shut up before I post too much on issues that might warrant me a ban or shit like that, it's not even wisdom to back off, just some random psychological trait I appear to have. So why I mention it, is that Miss Anne thought I'd instantly join her club, for pretty much the same reasons as TVT Powers That Be think I'm a swell guy. I find this... how to describe it... mildly ironic? But in any case, mildly funny.
I'd prefer to share such a story in this place than else, so since I wanted to share it with someone, you've got it.
Meh, I got the impression from most threads that you're a tad skeptical towards most of the social justice stuff that comes across the forum time to time, but you step out of the discussion before you can ever highlight your own views. Seeing as this place is a leftie hellhole, I can understand the notion to hold back, though it's a tad sad the forum gives the impression that such a discussion will automatically lead to banworthy drama.
I'd personally rather you voice your opinion directly rather than hold it in and have it leak out passive-aggressively. A lot of us are indeed way too aggressive in our arguments, admittedly, but I'd rather have a more diverse spread of opinions, especially in a small community like this.
Eh, I've been to much worse. After I discovered TVT, I was surprised there is such a thing as "not Left" on mainstream Internet.
Here is pretty good actually, for some reason stupidities haven't osmosed from OTC.
You must be new on the internet son
Also, since we've got a fresh example:
Because, yeah, it would be so much better if a flamewar started in the abortion thread.
If you don't trust people not to jump down your throat and get out the torches and pitch forks when you disagree with them about something serious why are you even bothering talking to people in the first place? You might as well be a shut in who never talks to anybody if you never want to have to deal with arguments and disagreements.
Hmph, you're kinda close on this one, heh heh heh heh heh.
See, here's the deal. if you treat people like a time bomb, they'll be a time bomb. Not to mention that just because a subject is touchy, it doesn't mean it doesn't deserve to be discussed.
And, overall, you come in and express it with a smug know-it-all tone that really makes it hard from the very beginning to have interest in whatever you're saying.
Meh, if you're near-giddy about the controversy it might cause, you're going to cut loose sooner or later anyway. Might as well get it over with.
So, let's take OTC as an example. I don't post in there, I stopped to some time ago. You make it sound like I should go back to it.
I'm not really sure where you got that idea and now I'm rather curious about it.
Well, this might be where, or -
But anyway. So for a while I pondered the option that I start posting prolifically in all the issue threads. I came to a conclusion that I thoroughly dislike that idea. So perhaps you could say something on the issue that because I have this and not another approach, people of... mhm... opposing sides assume I must be one of their own lot.