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Feminists co-opting other causes, like racism and LGBT
I stopped watching the moment she said "usually white and definitely straight male".
Why should I believe that this definitely white and presumably straight woman has any business bringing those up, like she can relate to that struggle in addition to her own? It's presumptuous, I think.
Is what you're saying that if I'm white, I can't think racism against blacks is bad?
So a completely offhand comment made by a woman about racism means that no women are allowed to talk about racism, ever? Well okay then, suit yourself.
I've been told that pure feminism and race issues have fallen out of fashion these days, it's the LGBT that's en vogue. (Correct me if I spelled that wrong.)
You didn't miss much. The video does nothing but give a list of movies that star such a character device, ending with a Captain Obvious moral that women are not so monodimensional and that men are not the sole givers of meaning in their lives, delivered in a passive-aggressive tone like this insight is somehow revolutionary, even though some of the movies mentioned are (somewhat failing) deconstructions of the trope itself(500 Days of Summer).
Would've been better with tracing its history back a tad longer, mention more deconstructions and go more in-depth on the deeper implications(emotions depicted as the domain of expertise of women, f. ex.) of it.
That said, I don't see the whitey presuming to speak for the experiences of black/queer peeps that OP sees.
The video is pretty self-righteous and nowhere near as insightful as it thinks it is (but isn't that the story of half the people online with a camera) but like IA said I don't see it co-opting intersectionality like some keyboard warriors do. (often to play oppression olympics)
My personal issue with the video bringing up race is simply that the mention of race seems uncalled for in the context that the video is discussing
That is true. Giving the benefit of the doubt I'd assume that she's bringing up the domination of white straight cisgendered people in film, but it's tangential at best.
Also, while all three are things that need more fair representation I don't see straight people ever not dominating the film stratosphere. Non-white people is a different case as other countries become more involved in the entertainment industry.
Also, the video misses the point of (500) Days of Summer, which is annoying.
Anyway, I don't think that we'll see trans* characters becoming leads outside of indie or artistic movies for quite a while. Same with homosexuals, but that I see as somewhat more likely.
I can see them becoming the leads in more movies (maybe not in our lifetime) but I kind of doubt they'll ever have anywhere near the presence straight/cisgendered people do in media.
Boys don't cry was artistic/indie? I thought it was mainstream, so to speak.
I'd say it falls under the purview of "artistic" (As in, the kind of movie the studios make with the intention of garnering critical acclaim) as it was a deliberately attempt at playing for an oscar for Hilary Swank, as I recall.
Boys Don't Cry is also one movie.
Compared to movies that have straight heterosexual romances also known as almost every movie ever.
Well, if we get more lynched transexuals on the big news it could be made into a franchise...Too grim and bad a joke.
That's also a thing. Whenever we have a trans* character in a movie them being trans* defines not only them and the movie. It's nice to see people care about these issues, but you'll never see a trans* person who is also an action hero.
Okay maybe in Demon Knights but shut up I'm trying to make a point.
Demon Knights doesn't count; it's exceptional in far too many ways to be used as an example of anything.
Yep. FtM.
Is s/he really transgender? What I gathered from Seven Soldiers was that Ystin disguised herself as a male in order to be a knight, not unlike Eowyn in LOTR.
Or is this something that they specify on Demon Knights?
Hard to say for sure, but if it's supposed to be an actual disguise rather than just an identification, it's a complete failure of a disguise.
Also, don't knock the disguise. Ystin had plenty of bishie knights as her contemporaries (Tristan being just one of them).
And in Demon Knights, she clearly has breasts.
I guess that really might be an identification, then.
Well, she does openly insist that she's a man and the context wasn't that of a disguise.
In Seven Soldiers or Demon Knights?
Demon Knights. I forget the exact context but somebody is basically pointing out she's a girl and she goes. 'I am not! I am a man!'
Isn't this trying to lie through your teeth to save face?
When it's obvious he has breasts?
I said trying, not suceeding.