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It used to be that people could just join open-membership groups. Wanna be part of the school anime club? Just join the group. Like Burma-Shave ads? Search for "Burma-Shave Poetry" and join the appropriate group. A fan of Simon Belmont? Join the Simon Belmont Fan Club.
Nowadays, you need to be approved by or invited by someone already in the group.
What the fuck, Facebook. What the fuck.
I have to disagree. The old group system was a huge pain in the ass. Full of spam, first of all.
It amuses me to see the admin of IJBM saying this, because this forum switched from open registration to an approval system...
It keeps the spambots out, doesn't it?
What bugs me is that you can just invite people and they're automatically in the group, instead of them having to confirm if they want in. This can potentially lead to unexpected and unwanted jumps in notifications.
Facebook implementing better ideas from other social network sites badly is nothing new, really.
@Cloverleaf: I wasn't the one who made that decision; I think it was between Longfellow and UE, and had to do with the fact that we'd have to sign ourselves up on reCAPTCHA.
So we were just like, oh whatever, we'll just ask people who want to join to write a little message just to prove they're not a spammer, instead.
Now that we have an auto-reject word filter, it might be easier to do an open registration system.
I still reject at least 3-4 spammers who slipped through a week. The number's always falling, since I add stuff from them to the filter, but I don't think it would ever actually hit zero.