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  • Tomorrow's fine. Let's take it tomorrow.

    Good. I want answers dammit. If I really do have an older brother my parents gave up for adoption and they weren't just joking this whole time I deserve to know about it!

  • A Mind You Do NOT Want To Read

    Good. I want answers dammit. If I really do have an older brother my parents gave up for adoption and they weren't just joking this whole time I deserve to know about it!

    Then again, I'm white and if I remember correctly you're Asian, so unfortunately it doesn't seem likely...

    ...unless we only have one common birthparent, that is...

    ...okay, I'm now even more determined to seek out the truth.

  • Then again, I'm white and if I remember correctly you're Asian

    Asian as fuck.

    You're not getting me confused with betterthanstrawberry, are you?

  • A Mind You Do NOT Want To Read

    Asian as fuck.

    You're not getting me confused with betterthanstrawberry, are you?

    I think it's more likely that I heard you talking about Asian friends of yours, and overtime my mind somehow mutated that into you being Asian yourself.

  • edited 2012-04-18 15:37:10

    I think it's more likely that I heard you talking about Asian friends of yours, and overtime my mind somehow mutated that into you being Asian yourself.

    That's odd; I don't recall ever talking about my Asian friends. Only these muppets (not the guy filming or anyone else. Just the little blonde kid and the guy who guys "hey Ashleigh show me your 3DS).

  • A Mind You Do NOT Want To Read

    Only these muppets.

    Oh God, that video.

    ...am I lucky to have barely had contact with anyone like that between Year 10 and my graduation?

  • They're good blokes. The blonde kid is just...very immature. Or he was. He's gotten a lot better.

    Took him long enough. He's two years older than I am >_>

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Geez, and I thought my friends were bad. No offense, Legionnaire.

  • He's playing it up massively. He's nowhere near that bad under normal circumstances. He says so himself towards the end of the video >_>

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Ah, okay.

    Now to figure out how to get to my psychologist with the directions mom gave me. -sigh-

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    So, I've weighed myself, and I've lost six kilograms in the last week and a half.


  • You can change. You can.

    Audiences can certainly influence and impact other forms of media, but I suppose above is the essential difference -- games ask you for your influence within the experience itself.  

    Except your influence within the experience is non-existent at best as your choices just lead to another fixed path. 

    Basically, saying that games are not (normally) a fixed art form is kinda like saying that cities are interactive. Sure, you can take a million different paths to walk towards your destination, but all those paths are impossible to adapt and change according to your pleasure and needs.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Why do all my friends insist on calling at midnight, geez.

    There are people asleep in the next room and it's one degree out. :|

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Eyes! Stop being wibbly in the mornings and fulfill your biological imperative and let me see!

  • You can change. You can.

    Why do all my friends insist on calling at midnight, geez.

    didn't you say you didn't have friends

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Nobody I can hang out with or really talk to or anything. Just people who occasionally log in to Facebook and ring me up when all their other real friends are in bed.

    The girl who called me tonight was a girl who went to high school with me way back in Year 9/10 and was having relationship troubles because god knows I can totally help with those.

    Admittedly, she's probably one of my closest real life friends, but considering we've talked roughly twice this entire year, not saying much.

  • You can change. You can.

    oh, bugger. can't you tell her that you need to do that thing where you lay your head in a pillow and hallucinate for 8 hours or something?

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I eventually convinced her to let me go because there's a five year old asleep in the room next to me and a person asleep in the loungeroom I have to cross to get to my bedroom and I left my bedroom light on when I went out to talk and I really shouldn't stay up 'til 2AM talking.

    And all I had to do was promise to call back tomorrow!


  • You can change. You can.

    bothersome, indeed. ah well, at least, you can tell her that you're not exactly good for relationship advice tomorrow

    hurm, i was gonna ask ya, did you check the thing i asked you at the post office? cuz the package hasn't gotten here.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I told her that today, she didn't care.

    Shit, no. I'll go in and do it... tomorrow, it's Thursday now, when I go in and pay the electricity bill.

    i'ma be pissed if that package never arrives :| I spent more than I'd like to admit getting everything together for it. And it's not like international trades just never show up.

    If it comes down to it I can always pull another one together for you though.

  • You can change. You can.

    Let's really hope it doesn't come down to that. It'd upset me to make you spend even more money on me when you are the one that's losing weight and stuff. 

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    I got my first wrinkle (not counting the tiny ones under the eyes, everybody has those). It's on my forehead, and is quite noticeable.

    Damn it, I'm only 18. This isn't supposed to happen.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Just grow your bangs out to cover it then.

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Perhaps I should. I could experiment a bit and try to grow longer hair, it could be interesting. And no, that one time when I tried the same and ended up with an afro doesn't count.

  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year

    Not only does this song have some debatable things to say about class in Britain, it's also infernally catchy. Video's great, too.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Let's really hope it doesn't come down to that. It'd upset me to make you spend even more money on me when you are the one that's losing weight and stuff. 

    but money has nothing to do with me losing weight. :|

    No, that's just stress and depression combining to eat away at my fat. Which would be good if I was, y'know, overweight, but I'm not.

    You're all old. Except Juan and Nova. They aren't old. They are whippersnappers. :|

    Why am I the whippersnapper here?

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Ooh, hey, the site's back.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    ^ So I'm not the only one who the site just crashed for? Good.

  • edited 2012-04-18 19:38:28
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.


  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    just checkin' somethin

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