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IJBMer Updates



  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    And given how this is about a fictional character, this is probably as pointless a hill to die on as other statements conflating real life and fiction.

    I'm not dying on any hills, I'm just choosing not to participate.

    Anyways, let's have some fun!

    I mean, not on twitter, but elsewhere.

    I probably used to be a Juice Boxer. Now, I worry that I'm an eternal Sophomore, but my deepest fear is that I'm actually a Crazy Cat Lady. Whilst reading through my old posts, I frequently have to push down my desire to become an Amnesiac. I've been an Instant Logan Act Expert waaaay more than once, and I've fallen for quite a number of Jekylls in my day.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    oh gosh troperspeak
  • edited 2020-04-03 12:53:32
    I lol'd at 7
    Oddly enough, I can identify myself with several of these except in places besides Twitter.
    Though some of those do make me go "maybe..."
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    oh gosh troperspeak

    Remember when magazines were like, things printed on paper that you read IRL? I did a million of these sorts of quizzes and games in TigerBeat and mizz and etc. That's what this reminded me of.

    Sometimes I'd check the answers to make sure I got the right ones.

    Oh by the way GMH you once asked if I was into graphic design in another thread. I mean, I'm not really, but I did use to make my own album covers for things when I didn't like the original art or none existed in the size I wanted. It was mainly when I used to listen to Western music on my phone, which I don't do as much anymore.

    I'm always sort of like "I should post those pictures sometime" but a lot of it is like, really poor and only for personal consumption, and all made in MS Paint. But maybe it'd be good to get past all this apprehension I have for showing off stuff I make. I mean I also don't want to be one of those people who is like "Look what I did!" at everything ever.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I need to get my act together on my artistic work and start self-publishing it.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    If this is a plan that ends in you scoring an anime series one day I'm all for it.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Concerning the list of Twitter creatures: in case you wondered it's not just an American thing, most of these creatures appear here as well. In a few cases, I was quite honestly surprised how spot-on it is.
  • edited 2020-04-03 15:43:04
    ^^^ When you become famous please remember me.
    ^ Same here, the only ones I don't recognize from here are the social justice specific and alt-right specific ones. Edit: And Trump, I guess.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I'm probably somewhere like #48 on that list of 41 items, because I'm mostly a lurker or ignorer who occasionally posts opinions or retweets interesting stuff.
  • edited 2020-04-04 23:45:37
    A burglar (probably more but my brother only saw one) tried to break into an aunt's home that my brother was watching over, he scared them off but not before stealing a pump, cutting off a bar from the fence (it's some unusual design that covers the entire front yard from the front, both sides and above), bending a bar from the window and damaging a sliding door trying to pry it open.

    Also I can't find my ID card, it's supposed to be in my wallet that I haven't used in ages but it's not there, I take it out of said wallet pretty much never so I think someone else in my family did, but of course they don't remember.
    Edit: Spelling.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    No burglars here, but I'm beginning to think I might have thrown a set of keys out with the trash. Not a necessity for life, but would be convenient to have them around.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    @Stormtroper: Man, that really sucks. Hopefully you were able to move on from stuff okay.

    I like to take pictures sometimes. I find that ever since I quit LEGO Friends, I've lost the enthusiasm for taking pictures with anything I build. This might be because of some weird disconnect I have with MCX, or maybe I'm only interested in photography that has subjects (like minifigures from LEGO Friends).

    I used to read a lot of fashion magazines, and I have an insane amount of photo clippings from them I'll go through like... once every six months, so maybe that's related to this...?
  • edited 2020-04-06 17:09:22
    Thanks, but it's not me who should be worried, but my aunt and my brother, that place is currently unprotected.
    As for photos, I noticed my phone camera's lens is very scratched and won't be very useful for taking photos anymore, I guess that was one more reason to use a phone cover. Maybe it can be fixed by rubbing something onto it, maybe not.
    I seem to have gotten over the sleeping problems I had been having, and with it I've been feeling more motivated to do stuff, so that's good.
    Yesterday I learned that render farms are called render farms because a technician tasked to manage one such farm used to dress like a farmer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Render_farm
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I seem to have gotten over the sleeping problems I had been having, and with it I've been feeling more motivated to do stuff, so that's good.

    That's great!

    14w, 2m before getting on IJBM: I'm gonna post some silly pictures and browse online for LEGO sets that I'm not going to buy!
    GMH: but what about politics in Florida
    14w: I'm going to read through every article on Sen. Rick Scott's website to determine the feasibility of his cuts to Florida's healthcare and early warning systems!

  • edited 2020-04-07 05:27:31
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    N.B. he was governor for eight years (first elected 2010) before winning the senate seat a couple years ago
  • edited 2020-04-09 14:32:09
    I just learned that the thing about cosmic rays affecting computer memory is not a joke about being overly rigorous about computations and data but a real phenomenom that comes up in some situations besides space travel, like financing and scientific research.
    Besides that, my air conditioner was having trouble, the console would respond to trying to turn it on (LED, beep and fins moving) but the fan would stay off and the unit at the back would stay off. This was after a power fluctuation. Maybe it was something with the temperature or charged capacitors, but after waiting for it to warm up with no power it works again, at least temporarily, and that concludes another entry of me using IJBMer Updates as a troubleshooting log.
    Edit: Spelling.
  • After watching/reading lots of stuff about PC hardware porn I'm starting to get the hang of it, I can even watch a review of something and by the end I'll still remember the name of what they're talking about.
    I've been daydreaming again about building a PC, but there's always the problem that if I spend money I will have less money. I should at least get a graphics card I can render with, though.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    by the end I'll still remember the name of what they're talking about

    I wonder if I should ever try and learn something so different from what I typically go for so that I can experience this.
    there's always the problem that if I spend money I will have less money

    Reality is tough like that, yeah.
  • In addition to people saying that X is directly proportional to Y when they only mean that X increases with Y, I've been seeing lots of people saying that X increases linearly with Y (or not) when they mean that X is directly proportional to Y (or not).
    What has the world come to.
    I wonder if I should ever try and learn something so different from what I typically go for so that I can experience this.
    I'm not sure that's the same, when it comes to computer parts, car models and street addresses and directions for some reason I have a hard time remembering them, even if they're things I'm otherwise familiar with.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Now, if you ever get to building a computer from scratch, do make a series of videos of it on Youtube. Just in case it gets some views. You might just get some cash you probably can make some use of. Goes double if you try to build it out of really out-there parts like old consoles or any other random electronic junk.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    That's a good idea!

    Sometimes I wonder if I should start my own words-with-pictures blog about random obscure-ish toys but I worry that:

    a) It'll feed a vanity I've tried not to cultivate for a very long time. I worry that maybe people who post aspects of their being online are doing something I don't fully understand to their psyches.
    b) It'll become some sort of barrier/buffer to how I enjoy said random, obscure-ish toys. That is to say, I'll always be thinking about things from a reviewer's perspective, rather than an enthusiast's.

    Also I noticed that my interest in said toys skyrocketed once I quit video games, was very focused whilst I enjoyed LEGO Friends, and now is just kind of random.

    I guess it's mainly Off the Hook dolls, Shopkins Happy Places dolls, Enchantimals dolls and Capsule Chix dolls... huh, it's almost as if there's a trend here...
    I'm not sure that's the same

    Ah, yeah, that does sound different.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    As for me, I've been wondering if there's a merit in starting an RPG blog with serialized descriptions of that setting that I've been building since a while. The counterpoints are a) can't say if it's unique enough, b) there might just be an oversaturation of RPG market with that sort of content, c) my relative lack of knowledge of RPG mechanics, d) effort needed to begin and keep it going, e) possible ramifications of publishing it in that form as opposed to, like, waiting till it's 100% finished, or to publishing it in some other form where it would be more worthwhile.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    c) my relative lack of knowledge of RPG mechanics, d) effort needed to begin and keep it going

    Out of all the big issues, I guess those would be the biggest. I mean, to c) I'd say that would mean learning and... uh... bettering onesself (I'm not sure if RPG Master counts as bettering yourself but I guess it does for now!).
    b) there might just be an oversaturation of RPG market with that sort of content

    Eh, at this point with all the content on the internet and by virtue of it being text-based rather than on the YouTube, it's more for yourself to do a blog than anything. Literally the only blog market that's growing is mommy blogs and I'm not entirely sure why.

    Maybe it's a good hobby? I mean, it'd be something fun to consistently work at without it being a commitment.
  • edited 2020-04-11 23:18:26
    I know in general terms maintaining a blog about X is (was?) a good way to show people what your experience with X is, to reach out to people who may be interested in what you have to say about X and to motivate yourself to progress in X so you can post about it. Now what that means when X is an RPG blog, I'm not sure. Writing, maybe?
    Now, if you ever get to building a computer from scratch, do make a series of videos of it on Youtube. Just in case it gets some views. You might just get some cash you probably can make some use of. Goes double if you try to build it out of really out-there parts like old consoles or any other random electronic junk.
    tbh I think I'll end up camera shy. I'd definitely post pictures somewhere, though.
    Also I do have some random junk that I'd like to get working again sometime, though there's the hassle that there's always some nonfunctioning part that needs to get replaced at a non-insignificant cost.
    On unrelated matters, I wonder if the COVID-19 pandemic will make people more likely to do things from home (work, learn stuff, etc.) even after it's over.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I think I'll end up camera shy.

    I'm not trying to make you a youtuber or anything, but still, that's not a problem. Picture a video with no speaking, and all of you that's visible is hands. Speechless videos seem to be very popular, same for popular science stuff. That one might (just might - I have no practical experience, so that's mere speculation) require a bit more editing work than a video where you just leave the camera running, so there's that on the other hand.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    maintaining a blog about X is (was?) a good way to show people what your experience with X is

    I'd say was. Practically everything is on YouTube nowadays instead. Finding blogs about niche interests seems rarer and rarer. I mean, I don't really know of any decent English blogs that focus entirely on reviewing Japanese figures aside from Kahotan (which is just an ad anyways).

    Speaking of Kahotan I was unaware that this was a real thing that could happen with Nendoroids (scroll down, kind of NSFW).
  • ^^ good point, that could work. I'd still need a decent camera, though, I presume a phone camera wouldn't do.
    Editing shouldn't be a problem, it's something at some point I should learn how to do, though I already know the bare-bones basics of doing it in Blender.
    Also, at one point I toyed with the idea of making animations-based videos explaining physics/mechanical engineering stuff, though I don't remember what stopped me from trying.
    Practically everything is on YouTube nowadays instead
    I figured as much. Though there's some stuff that lends itself more to text-based platforms (e.g. writing, programming), those are still alive, maybe?
  • edited 2020-04-13 15:35:54
    For some reason today I felt like the things I usually do were uninterested and was very bored. I ended up tidying things up a bit.

    While looking for my ID card again I found several breadboard components, I've been meaning to tinker around with my brother's breadboard for a while but never got around to purchasing the components, so I go look for it and find out it already had components attached and didn't need the ones I found after all (though they're nice to have, especially as it had no LEDs attached). I think I can get a multimeter, I'll start toying with it when I get my hands on it.

    On unrelated stuff, I just realized that cartesian coordinates, which could have reasonably been called maps instead, are named after a French dude whose surname translates to "maps". Whoever came up with "cartesian coordinates" really missed an opportunity.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    > On unrelated stuff, I just realized that cartesian coordinates, which could have reasonably been called maps instead, are named after a French dude whose surname translates to "maps". Whoever came up with "cartesian coordinates" really missed an opportunity.

    I somehow didn't notice this until now.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    @Stormtroper: It took a few seconds to realize you didn't mean this.
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