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Hollywood nerd stereotypes
I don't know how my dad tolerates something like The Big Bang Theory.
Many people do somehow. It worries me that I don't exactly understand why.
If I had to explain it, I'd say its success is because it references things nerds find familiar and is shallow enough to still have mass market appeal.
From what very little I've seen of it, it references stuff that isn't really, truly nerdy anymore (Star Trek and WoW, for instance), and lolawkwardcharacters - in other words, shallow, like INUH said. Interestingly enough, my friends, who are nerds, all like it, and I remain indifferent (but of course, I'll pretend to hate it to troll them).
The Big Bang Theory...I came to the realization the other day that I really do talk like Sheldon--except I do it because I think it's funny, not because that's how I actually talk. And now I wonder if the people who hear me talk can tell the difference.
Well, I think it's a combination of two factors:
ninja'd by everyone since ninjaclown.
Yeah, -snort-, Hollywood nerd stereotypes are -asthma inhaler- bad.
-goes back to DnD campaign-
Honestly, while I'm not super big on Community it does the nerd reference humor waaay better.
Also my thing with Big Bang Theory is how all the characters are such terrible people.
That's basically the case with 70% of sitcoms nowadays (Including the ones that run on Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel/XD)
Isn't it odd how Community totally suffers in ratings then?
honestly, my issue with TBBT is that it's horrible and it's succesful much like two and a half men
oh and it's the olivia munn of tv shows, really.
Are you saying that good shows suffer on the ratings by nature or are you saying that if it was good, it wouldn't suffer in the ratings?
No, just that to cater to a wider market (make it popular) they had to dumb it down with TBBT. But I still don't get why the totally insufferable characters (with both TBBT, Two and a Half Men and even shows like Glee) are popular now.
And yes all good shows have horrible ratings that's why they all get cancelled or only last one cour.
Except when made by BONES.
I think also my problem with TBB and also a similar show Comic Book Men is how they treat these emotionally maladjusted people as quirky and charming and something to aspire to, rather than the dregs of how a nerd acts.
I think that's the key, really. They're outside perspectives that don't properly comment on the dysfunction and challenge that kind of behaviour brings with it.
Sitcoms almost never deconstruct their characters' personality traits without doing a snapback afterwards(the only one other than Community I can think of is How I Met Your Mother). It isn't really expected from the formula, because any person who actually models himself after a sitcom character is beyond even the most heavy-handed lessons such a program might teach.
Besides, the only thing I've encountered so far is people aping Barney Stinson's gig, and they quickly realized how stupid it made them look.
Comic Book Men is reality but what have you.
The thing about Barney is that he's largely recognized to be a jackass by the writing. The writers of TBB don't seem to be at all aware of what's actually wrong with Sheldon.
That Sheldon is a stuck up elitist that prefer things that most people can't understand or can't operate properly.
I don't get how that's even funny.
Unless the joke is either (1) that guy caring about stuff in geeky ways again (note the laugh track that follows his mere announcement of getting a computer with Win 7) or (2) he expresses a preference for something that's not user-friendly.
Except that geeks actually hate Windows Vista, so they got it wrong anyway.
Sheldon being an elitist self-important jackass is half of the jokes he has. It's not about being a geek, it's about Sheldon being extremely egocentric.
Yeah. If the show didn't have that obnoxious laugh track, I'd probably like it just a little. as it is now, Its annoying.