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Songs that just outright annoy you.
Feel free to contribute.

This song, mostly because of the vocals. Just the entire movement of his voice is so shrill and whiny, who would go out of their way to sound like that?
Because their fanbase is whiny?
My beef with this song is that it's actually raising some valid points about stereotyping of pretty dudettes(one needs to only look at the comments to confirm the dur-needs-dick-as-a-pacifier), but then goes onto confirm most of them(arrogance, lack of self-awareness to the point of stupidity).
Gross-ass song by a gross-ass pack of kids.
I wouldn't exactly call Brendan Urie shrill. Not really that high-pitched.
Kellin Quinn, on the other hand . . .
Its not that he's high pitched. It's just the way his voice goes all over the damn place in the most pansy-ish way during the chorus. I mean good god, man. i put my alarm clock set to radio, and I woke up to THAT song, so that was enough motivation to actually spring up off of bed and punch the damn thing. Shame I thought to shoot the messenger.
I like the song, personally.
But I get what you mean about jumping around all over the place.
While we're in the subject of that genre:

I quite liked this mash up.
When I actually listened to the band itself, I was mildly disappointed. But they're not exactly bad. Just okay.