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I was looking for Element Hunters wallpapers but then stumbled onto this for some reason.
They individually link to a whole bunch of different deviantArt pieces.
Some decent, some bad. What's weird about them (and about many wallpaper galleries, really) is the amount of them that are at a 4:3 aspect ratio. Aren't most monitors 16:10 or 16:9 now? And a lot of them are pretty low-res, too, but maybe they're made for netbooks or something.
I have a certain wallpaper in super-high-res and approximately-screen-size-res, and I prefer the latter, because the first one causes resizing artifacts.
That's rarely a problem if you're resizing it using something reasonable (as in, if you resize it in some decent image editor before using it), and when distributing/linking wallpapers, it makes sense to give people the highest-res version available, so that they can use it on a wider range of screen sizes.